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Dr. Gero

Dr. Gero is the maniacal creator of the Androids (16, 17, 18, and 19) and Cell. He transformed himself into an Android of the power absorbing type, but was killed by Android #17.

Starting Level:

25 (power level of 500,000; I'm still trying to find a fair and logical level-to-power-level conversion).

How to Get Him

Dr. Gero might be applicable from the BossMaster, but likely would need to be revived. He would then need to be convinced to join.


Android Knowledge: Dr. Gero has enormous technical knowledge, including bionic knowledge used in changing himself into an Android and robotics knowledge used in making the other Androids.

Life Suck: The power-absorbing Androids (also including #19 and Cell) absorbed energy from others to bolster their internal energy. Dr.Gero is seen absorbing the life from Yamcha early in the Android series.