Master Hand
The gameskeeper of Super Smash Bros, this giant animated hand is in business!
Finger Crawl: Master Hand crawls on his fingers. To evade, just leap over him. If you don't, though, you get nailed. A nice time to time this move is when someone is
Gunshot: Master Hand makes a hand-firing gesture and then fires three massive bullets.
Poke: The Poke is also fairly easy to evade: he follows you, but if you move out of the way at the last second, he misses. However, SSB people who Shield down get their Shield broken.
SSB Challenge: A typical Super Smash Bros. style challenge.
SSB Gauntlet: Master Hand runs the enemy through an entire SSB style gauntlet, including the original game's one. Problem: high costs and it might incapictate Master Hand for the time.