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Nizbel was Azala's bodyguard and main fighter, though in the end he was superseded by the Black Tyrano. Nizbel had the Reptite's weakness and strength, their double-edged sword: their defense was monumental, but lightning loosened their scales and made them vulnerable. Nizbel himself was almost invulnerable, but lightning was his Achille's heel, reducing his monumental defense and enabling him to begin to take mortal blows. He had an advantage, the ability to expel the lightning charged inside his body to hurt his enemies. He was defeated twice by Crono and Ayla, the first time over the Gate Key, the second as a gatekeeper for Azala (Nizbel knew he would be defeated, so in the honorable spirits of the Reptites, he asked that the heroes remember this was where the great Nizbel was defeated).

In FB, some sort of revival or time travel skill (perhaps even the Boss Master) will be required. However, he does have his power, which is his ability to absorb and redirect he demonstrated when fighting Crono, but applied to more forces.


Change Weakness: Nizbel can change his weakness into other things besides lightning. This is a high-cost move (as far as development goes; it's TP cost is moderate). This is done for two reasons: one, what Nizbel is weak to is also the element he can most effectively discharge; and two, it throws the enemy off and makes someone normally suited for Nizbel less effective. Note that if Nizbel has had his defense lowered before this move, this move does not change it, so the first priority should you have to change while the defense is still down is to get rid of the old energy.

Harmless Discharge: Nizbel can do this more often than Release Electricity. Nizbel harmlessly discharges the lightning energy into the ground.

Heat Discharge: Nizbel can get rid of heat energy (i.e. fire spells, flamethrowers, lasers, explosions), and channel that heat energy to make an explosion of his own, a diffuse beam, melted ground, etc.

Release Electricity: Nizbel releases the electricity he has absorbed from lightning attacks hitting him. You may want to lower the minimum time for this so Nizbel can get rid of his defense problem quicker.

Rush: Nizbel runs into enemies and makes patterns if targeting multiple targets (triangles, circles, etc.)

Shockwave Discharge: Nizbel can learn to absorb and discharge shockwaves, i.e. sonic blasts, loud sounds, and explosions. He can do a blast, a discharge along a wall or surface, or a shockwave around him.


Lighting greatly decreases Nizbel's defense, probably by at least 10 times. This weakness is surmountable, so you should handle it quickly.