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Myne The Cleanser

This former Army demolitions man got a little too attached to his work after an especially horrific napalm bomb. Myne is his typical name.




Organic Fission. Deadly Rivalry.

Special Attributes

Takes half damage from collateral damage from explosions of any type.

If he is lit on fire, he burns out at double the rate.


Bomb kit

Cybernetic flamethrower (left arm)

Special Moves


Myne drops small, anti-personnel mines. Be careful.


Myne throws a regular, good ol' HE grenade.

Nerve Gas Grenade

Myne tosses a chemical warfare grenade, but be careful...

Napalm Grenade

Myne tosses a napalm grenade. Really bad if you get it too close to him.

Cluster Grenade

Cluster Grenades can be lethal, but be careful.

Frag Grenade

Frag Grenades are good for being sure to hit your opponent. Unfortunately, they usually hit you as well.


Myne has to plant this. If he gets a good lock or throw, he can plant it on his enemy.

Grenade Launcher

Myne launches off grenades.

Rocket Launcher


Concussion Grenades

These grenades can cause temporary blackout. Their radius is not good, though.