I'm Not a Twink!
I've been called a twink numerous times in my 2 years on Furcadia, in both the powergamer sense and the stupid-kid sense. Now, of course, neither of these are true, and I've explained so. However, an old man gets weary, and he doesn't want to have to explain himself. The answer to the stupid-kid argument is fairly simple.
I'm not a Vamp Wannabe, because I almost never am a vamp. Fairly simple. I don't try to order blood, either; I get my own. I'm not a lord or lady of a forsaken kingdom (that just makes me angry), and I DON'T have every superpower in the book. I have a lot, but you can see the list of things I'm still working on. I don't attack people at random, even as my sadistic character DarkFred. I punch Tech sometimes, but we're friends and he doesn't care. When I'm being a jerk as DarkFred, that's IN-CHARACTER. Simple. My other character FredMagi is actually very polite and caring. Because that's the way I am. I'm not a Two-Bit Jezebel; I could care less about my character's appearance, and I don't have enough space in my desc anyways. And I don't multi-world. Simple enough.
Now, of course, in response to the powergamer argument: perhaps I am powerful. Well, first of all, virtually every RP guild I've found recognizes that I'm a serious roleplayer and usually they like my style. They might disagree, but I have enough respect for these people to live and let live. However, I'm often called a powergamer a) because of my enormous confidence (bear in mind that DarkFred is OVERCONFIDENT, so this is also IC) and b) after I've beaten someone. However, even against people that I don't like very much, I never make the battles to-the-death. I always revive my worst opponent, and let him live with the knowledge that I pummeled him. So, what does it matter? Even if I am a PG, there aren't any stakes involved, besides bragging rights. Who cares? But, now a detailed list of responding to my opponent's arguments.
1. I don't invent new powers in the middle of a fight. My power level stays consistent, and it always has. Now, of course, I don't fight at my maximum power level ever; that's for strategic reasons. But my enemies know that I keep up a consistent power level, and I tell them that I'm not at my maximum yet. And I've made a desc! I even have a fairly good power level estimate, if anyone wants to ask me about it. Most of my powers are presented to people. They can see roughly what I can do. So, when you fight me, you know what you're getting. If you're surprised, it's because I'm STRATEGIC. Regular PGs make up the rules as they go along; I don't.
2. My power level is high, but not infinitely high. This is an extension of the previous argument. If I feel that your power level is fairly high, then I'll acknowledge that you beat me... if you do. If you back up your claims of power with real, solid evidence, then I'll take you more seriously. I'm a debater at heart, so if you give me a good argument, I'll recognize that.
3. I always acknowledge strategy. If people play strategically, then I usually let them do more damage than usual. I've never lost a fight, granted, but when I see people with good strategy and fighting style, I like that. Even though I can detect cloaked people, if someone makes an interesting use of illusion or invisibility, then I'll usually let a punch land! My entire fighting style is based upon strategy. Any of my students can attest to that. I've been roleplaying in various shapes and forms for a LONG time. I know the basic ideas, and I have a fairly wide repertoire of games, books, and TV shows at my disposal. I just draw upon my backgrounds to create a unique character. If someone draws upon equally rich backgrounds, and uses similar strategy (I've seen it done), then I'll acknowledge that.
4. I earned my power. Some of you young turks (or even older people) come in and expect to beat a master the first time, and when you fail, you accuse me of being a "twink". That's incredibly pompous of you! I started small. My powers could be counted on one hand. Slowly, I developed an arsenal of spells and allies using strategy, and I won fights against people MORE POWERFUL THAN ME by using my patented strategy. Techmage gave me a big boost by helping me achieve the vaunted level of Universal Magi. But, unlike some of you, I didn't stop there. I continued to get more techniques and abilities and fought more battles. I was recognized by many as one of the premiere roleplaying powers on Furcadia. Assassins would continue to attempt to kill me, and I destroyed them or scared them away. So, when you with your 3 weeks experience come and try to fight me, don't expect to win. That wouldn't even be remotely fair.
5. Furcadia's strategic level has declined. Persona Roleplaying used to be a lot better. That was the environment I developed in, a fairly competitive environment. I had numerous fights that I regard as classics. However, my interest in Furcadia declined, and I came on sparingly for a few month period. Now, I'm back in force, but with my absence, people's strategy and skill had declined. So, I'm attempting to raise the bar. Which leads me to my 6th point.
6. My philosophy is one of equality. I believe that everyone's strategic formula can be a winner. In the real world, losing sports teams usually have awesome players. It's just that they don't have the right teamwork, the right formula. So, on Furcadia, my philosophy is that anyone can win. Assuming strategy and hard work. I just plain have a lot more power than most of you. That doesn't always have to be true. Ever seen Karate Kid or DBZ? You can develop your skills. I see people with awesome formulas. These people I try to take under my wing and make them champions. Anyone can be a champion. Just think. And don't take on a master before you've had your first fight. Please.
7. I have a lot of abilities, but not an infinite number. Okay, I know a lot. So? In real life, people have all sorts of different levels of knowledge. Some people are encyclopedic in their knowledge about everything: art, science, technology, culture, politics... what we'd call Renaissance Men.
8. My fighting style is better. Plain and simple, the restricted fighting style of just swords and fists (in those cases of extreme accusation) is stupid. It's not fun for everyone, it gets old, and it starts blending together. Having unique abilities and comparing people's approaches to RPing is FUN. Having the widest, most universal system possible is thus better. So what if I'm a twink? Everyone I play with has fun. In that case, being a twink has no impact. For twinkishness to matter, it needs to have a negative effect on the gameplay, and if there is one, it doesn't matter. QED. For more of these considerations, click on this link
9. There is NO ROLEPLAYING CONTINUITY on Furcadia! The roleplaying continuity is Dragonlands, and that is only for those who agree to it. Furthermore, Talzhemir has SPECIFICALLY warned against insulting other people's RP styles. That is very rude. She recommends that you keep those opinions to yourself. See her article on what a Twink really is; it's not very common knowledge on Furc.
And finally, a list of people who agree somewhat:
Poison Apple
Jiin Kyroc
Simon von Gries
Fighting Chance
Vindicare Assassin