Sea Inquisitor Job
These powerful anti-supernatural fighters are usually born through a psychic encounter with the Lord of the Deep, but their powers are extensive and will hurt every supernatural being. Sea Inquisitors can be of many different occupations, so they don't develop quite like an O.C.C. Thus, I due a fairly unorthodox Rifts Job conversion.
How to Get It: Refine a Sea Inquisitor or set it up so the Lord of the Deep contacts you. If you can somehow recruit the Lord of the Deep, he could also contact any member of your team.
L1: Will of Iron and L1 Abilities: Will of Iron adds 8 to a character's M.E. with a minimum of 18, +8 to save vs. horror factor and +1 to save vs. ALL magic. Sense Supernatural Beings is an automatic power like Dash for Thieves. The character can sense supernatural beings in a range of 50 feet per level of Rifts experience (NOT Job level, but regular experience) without thinking about it. In addition, if he tries to search, the range is increased to 1000 feet + 100 feet per level of experience at the cost of 2 I.S.P. The character can always sense whether or not the supernatural creature is evil and/or is related to the Lord of the Deep at 35% + 5% per Rifts level. Also, at L. 1 the character gets Demon and Monster Lore +20%, Streetwise +4%, 2 languages of choice +20%, one pilot vehicle of choice +5%, two W.P.s. of choice, and Hand to Hand: Basic if he does not have those skills. The character also gets +2D6x10 S.D.C., +2 P.S., +2 P.E., +2 Spd., +1 M.A., and +1 on initiative when fighting supernatural beings.
L2: Shield of Inner Spirit: The character can initiate a barrier with 100 M.D.C. + 10 M.D.C. per Rifts level. It is done without cost, but it can only be initiated once a day per Rifts level and lasts for an hour.
L3: Magical and Psionic Dispersal + Sense Supernatural Beings: This level gives two things. First of all, Sense Supernatural Evil can be equipped when the Job is off. Second, the Magical and Psionic Disperal allows the Sea Inquisitor to dispel 10 P.P.E. or I.S.P. per Rifts level per melee round. So, during a period of 15 seconds, a 15th level Sea Inquisitor can dispel 150 I.S.P. or P.P.E. directed at him/her, or the equivalent of 2 Realm of Chaos'. If the character can dispel part of the spell/psi-attack, then the attack only has half potency in all areas. The Sea Inquisitor cannot dispel attacks heading for someone else, but he could intercept the attack and THEN dispel it. Area affect magic can be negated if the Sea Inquisitor is inside that area. The Sea Inquisitor cannot dispel enchanted items, but he can dispel attacks coming from them.
L4: Destroy the Supernatural: This is the MASTER! level. The character always does extra damage to the supernatural with all physical attacks (shooting guns or laser rifles, punching)! Damage is doubled and is direct to hit points (if applicable)! This means that a Sea Inquisitor will rip apart vampires or werebeasts.
How to Use It: The Sea Inquisitor is an amazingly useful Job. It is hardly standalone (getting equipment, other psionic powers or magic to go with it is advisable), but as part of a unified set of abilities, it is amazingly cheap. First of all, Will of Iron offers a huge defensive advantage against psionic forces, and the Horror Factor bonus is useful across the board. Shield of Inner Spirit is a costless, powerful shield (at level 15, it offers 250 M.D.C. 15 times a day for an hour each!) The Shield of Inner Spirit is a nice way to get a non-psionic or magic barrier to those with little MP or ISP and also a nice barrier to add on to a set of protections. Magic and Psionic Dispersal is a great way to stop psychics and magicians from unloading onto you (and a great way for people to protect against elemental vulnerabilities; i.e. Nizbel is now able to absorb Lightning and Electrokinesis). And Destroy the Supernatural is a great way to punish your enemies for relying on supernatural strength.
How to Expand It: Mainly, if one mixes it with Slayer/Demon Queller skills, you will have a virtually unstoppable anti-supernatural force.