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Eyes of Thoth

This creature is likely a mutation of a Lobee-optos. It offers unique sensory powers.

Host type: Most beings.

Host Environment: Bores hole through middle part of forehead or ear canal and connects to the brain. It either then creates a third eye or hooks itself up to the optic pathways. The creature offers sensory capacities in exchange for minor levels of many types of nourishment; P.P.E., I.S.P., blood, food, water, even sleep.

Reproduction: Not applicable.

Hit Points: Minor M.D.C.; 15+1D6. Offers head area of the body 5 of that.

Average Life Span: 300 years.

Alignment: Effectively scrupulous.

Powers: The creatures offers numerous sensory capacities, mainly of a seeing type.

Bonuses: +2 to strike.

Side Effects: Either the eyes grow or a third eye appears, causing deformity.

Means of Elimination: Complex surgery or convincing.

Note: The Eyes of Thoth care little about other organisms.

Market Cost: 18-20 million credits.