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Metamorph Prison

This symbiote traps 9 beings. The Metamorph Prison enables the person to morph into one of those 9.

Host types: Basically, anything below the limits of the Metamorph Prison's capacity.

Host environment: Back or front chest.

Reproduction: No longer reproduces.

Hit Points: 3D6x10 M.D.

Average Life Span: 150 years.

Alignment: N/A.

Powers: The character "switches" bodies with 9 demons, dragons, etc. The Prison can come loaded or not. The person also receives all psionic and magic abilities (but ONLY as long as he is in the demon's body). If he defeats an enemy but does not kill them, he can trap them with the Metamorph Prison's power.

Bonuses: None

Side Effects: None

Size: The size of a beer can.

Mean of Elimination: Surgery.

Market Cost: 50 million credits, more if pre-loaded.