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This up-and-coming slave of an ancient dragon is, in fact, a Dragon Juicer! The dragon decided to find one of these super warriors, as they would be absolutely loyal to the ancient dragon, for where else will they get the blood needed to preserve their life? Dragnor was renamed from his original slave name and put on the fast track, receiving numerous enhancements.

Alignment: Miscreant

Attributes of Note: M.E. 17, P.E. 24, P.S. 50, Spd. 44, P.P. 21,

M.D.C.: 904,

Level: 4th level Maxi-Man/Dragon Juicer/Bio-Borg.

Bio-wizard Modifications:

  1. Firebreath: 4D6 M.D.
  2. Wings and Flight: Speed of 90, +1 to strike, parry and dodge in flight.
  3. Additional pair of hands and arms: +1 melee attack, +1 to strike and parry.
  4. Pair of lobster hands: +1 melee attack, +1 to strike and parry, +1D6 damage from those strikes.
  5. Pair of tentacles: +1 melee attack, +1 to strike and parry, 12 feet long.
  6. Chemical spray; typically uses the blinding chemical or the burning vapors.
  7. 200 M.D.C. light lobster plate armor.
  8. Retractable mini-tentacles: +1 melee attack, +1 to roll with fall or impact, +1 to strike when trying t entangle, +1 to parry, pin/incapacitate on natural 18-20, +15% to climb, +5% to acrobatics.
  9. Spike: Tail with Stinger. Typically uses the Poison option (uses Leaper Poison) or Paralysis.
  10. Leaper Poison sent to mini-tentacles, wings, crab claws, and stinger.
  11. Third Eye of Eylor: perfect 20/20 vision, nightvision 600 feet, telescopic vision 6000 feet, and see aura, see the invisible, sense magic, and see P.P.E. energy for no additional cost.
  12. Amplified Hearing: +2 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge.
  13. Heat Detection: +1 on initiative.
  14. Internal Clock.
  15. Instinctive Sense of Direction.
  16. Molecular Analyzer.
  17. Motion Detection.
  18. Echolocation.
  19. Acid Spit.
  20. Carries a few Aquarobes, Clotrobes, and Purirobes with him.
  21. Symbiotic Heart.
  22. Absurr Life Node: +120 M.D. (added), +2 to save vs. psionic attack, +5 to save vs. horror factor, and +20% to save vs. coma/death.
  23. Chest Amalgamate: +180 M.D. (added)
  24. Thundergut:
  25. Solara: