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Curse of the Dreamer

Range: The target must be in the same dimension and must be known about, or within the caster's line of sight.

Duration: 1 month per level of experience or until removed.

Saving Throw: -1.

P.P.E. Cost: 200.

This spell was one of the spells developed by the curse genius Markus Akirus. The target who is inflicted with the curse will have vivid dreams and daydreams of events that appear like a wish come true. All of these dreams will appear to be just like reality, perhaps better and in a more favorable light. When the person wakes up, they will desire to merely find some way to go back to dreaming, and also may develop depression. Make insanity rolls as you wish, and institute the following penalties: -2 on initiative, -20% on skills, -1 to strike, as well as less tangible penalties like lapses into daydreaming at appropriate times. Also note that during these daydreams and dreams, it takes twice as long to be roused as normal. (Yes, this is similar to Dream in South America One).