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The Strange Farm ____________________

Hook: This can happen almost anywhere, but should be an area where necromancy is likely to be (Russia, China, The Federation of Magic, Africa, etc.). The heroes see a typical-looking farm, but the workers appear to be moving oddly.

Line: If the heroes have any Psi-Stalkers, Dog Boys, people with sense magic/sense evil, etc., the characters will be able to figure something is very wrong.

Sinker: Upon closer investigation, the workers are zombies and other undead! Golem overseers keep some of the only partially dead ones working. The entire operation is masterminded by a sorceror who found a powerful necromantic power crystal. He has even enslaved 10 wild vampires and has recruited 3 Murder-Wraiths! The battle will not be easy, if the player characters should choose to fight it. The player characters have numbers of reasons. First of all, the crystal should be a covetable item; evil characters will want to have it, selfish will likely want to sell it, and good or some unprincipled will desperately want to destroy it. Second of all, there should be something repugnant about this, even to aberrant characters. And the crystal is helping the necromancer grow in strength at a geometric rate.

The battle will involve the necromancer himself (or herself), who is likely to be at least 6th level, 4 Iron Golems, 3 Murder-Wraiths, 10 Secondary Vampires, about 100-200 zombies and skeletons, maybe 30 or 40 partially undead controlled people, and perhaps other minions or helpers. However, if the crystal is destroyed in the battle, the mage will go into shock for about 15 seconds, during which the vampires will almost definitely turn on him and kill him. After the crystal is destroyed, many of the minions can no longer be controlled or empowered and thus attack or just crumble, so the battle can be easily won now. The remaining partial undeads, Murder-Wraiths and vamps will respond appropriately when the necromancer is killed. However, the crystal is a small target; -2 to hit. Furthermore, it has 400 M.D.C. and will be protected to the exclusion of anything else (the necromancer isn't dumb). Besides, if the characters want to use it, then they will have to avoid destroying it.

If the characters are low-level, there are a few options. For one, diversion, ambushes and other attacks will help. Second, attacking during the day will eliminate the danger of the vampires and will hinder the Murder-Wraiths (which may be a lot of the battle right there).

Stats of the Crystal: 400 M.D.C, -2 to strike. Provides 500 P.P.E. for necromantic purposes, 400 for evil purposes, and 100 for all others; it will provide NO P.P.E. or bonuses to those of good alignment. If under attack, the crystal can launch Death Bolts at 10th level proficiency (1D6x10 damage directly to hit points, bypassing A.R.!,; 1/3 damage if save). The crystal can animate 6 mummies, 4 zombies, 20 skeletons, OR control 2 vampires once per day. In addition, the crystal provides the following spells at 10th level or +2 if the character is already tenth or higher: All Level 1-2 Necromancer spells (see Rifts: Mystic Russia, page 92-93), Object Read the Dead, Recognize the Master, Recognize the Undead, Command Ghouls, Eyes of the Dead, Maggots, Necro-Armor, Summon the Dead, Consume Power & Knowledge, Death Mask, Divining Tombs & Graves, Grip of Death, Locking Hand, Poison Touch, Death Bolt, Death Strike, Fragile Bone to M.D.C. Bone, Mock Funeral, Funeral Pyre, Greater Animated Dead, Command Vampires, Strength of the Dead, Summon Insect Swarm, Summon Vampire, Summon Magot, and Return from the Grave! It also provides the following conventional spells: Shadow Meld, Death Curse, Life Drain, Constrain Being, Animate & Control Dead, Sickness, Spoil, Commune with Spirits, Exorcism, Dessicate the Supernatural, Create Mummy, Create Zombie, Ensorcel (used by the necromancer), Soultwist, Sanctum, and Shadow Wall. It also offers +2 to save vs. magic and +1 spell melee action! Easily worth 40 million credits.