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Tektonik Symbiote

This intriguing little creature resembles a rock-skinned, super-large spider and empowers it's hosts with tectonic entities it captures!

Host Type: Most creatures, even some supernaturals due to it's power source.

Host Environment: Forearm, gut or skull.

Hit Points: A minor mega damage creature with 20+1D6x10 M.D. It imbues it's partner with all but 10 of it's M.D.C. if necessary, and also adds 10 M.D.C. permanently (keep hit points and S.D.C. if such a creature).

Average Life Span: About 200 years.

Alignment: Any.

Powers: The effective fusion with the tectonic entities offers the following abilities (the host gets 12 entities):

Bonuses: +30 I.S.P., +5 to save vs. horror factor,

Side Effects: The host is likely to have to fight the entities' desire for constant bloodshed.

Size: The thing is about the size of a bird spider. On the head, it looks like a demented crown.

Means of Elimination: Surgery, "talking" to the thing, and similar methods.

Cost: 20 million credits.