Refined GF Abilities
When you refine GFs to the next level, these are the abilities you tend to get:
Junction x1+: More spells junctioned to one stat.
New Junctions: For instance: Ifrit, at raw refination, teaches Strength junctioning. At Mid-Refination, he learns the ability to Junction to Speed, as well as higher Junctioning for strength.
Redirect towards GFs: Some of the Refined GFs can learn how to redirect attacks towards GFs, so a Death spell would affect the GF... just evil.
Refine GFs: GFs can learn to Refine earlier GFs; i.e. Ifrit RL. 2 can Refine a RL. 1/R level Eden. However, he could not Refine another L. 2, unless the ability allowed him to.
Summon Brackets: Without this, you must summon the level of GF you have; Ifrit at R. 2 without this cannot be summoned at anything but R. 2. However, with this, Ifrit could be summoned as he was at Raw state, thus saving you time. This is important at the early stages of building up your newly refined GFs.
Unjunction: Many GFs can learn the ability to get rid of Junctioning on enemies.
X-Draw: Draw twice or more.
X-Fight: Attack more per attack.
X-Magic: Cast two spells from your Stock at once.