Battle Arena Stuff
For those who want to participate in battle arenas, there are tangible rewards for winning, namely prizes. A few conditions:
1. All of these conditions apply only when I say they do. I have the final call in deciding if someone gets Super Damage or Good Sport rewards, or any other reward or penalty.
2. Unless specifically stated, you cannot lose anything from the game in a battle arena.
3. I run the game and make final calls anywhere else it is necessary, unless stated otherwise.
Prize Conditions:
First Place
Second Place
Third Place (note: if the game is huge, I might just extend to 4 or 5th place prizes; conversely, if the game only has 3 or 4 players, I might just reward only a first place prize.) (Note 2: Places are decided by death. If you are the last man standing, you get first place; second man standing, second place; and so on).
Good Sport Award: If I feel someone was being triple-teamed but they were good sports about it, or if they felt they would lose and played nonetheless, I might give them a reward for being a good sport and not whining.
Super Damage Award: If someone did not fulfill the place requirement but did tons and tons of damage, possibly many times more than the placers, I might give these people a bonus.
Cooperative Award: This kind of goes hand-in-hand with the Good Sport award. People who really try to cooperate with the GM may get this award.
Kill Award: There will be some games where you get a reward for killing someone.
By default, you cannot lose anything permanently in a battle arena. But there are two scenarios where I will provide penalties:
1. If the battle arena previously was decided to make players permanently give up something if they violate the penalties; and/or
2. If the penalty for breaking these penalty requirements is something that applies only to the battle arena, such as damage or weapon destruction or HP given to non-violators, etc. This might also mean reduction of or taking away of a prize gained also.
Last Placers: This is a kind of mean penalty, and I will apply it very rarely, and the game will be said to have this penalty before the game. People who place last will lose something. There is an option that what they lose is given to the winners, so the last place loser gives something really good to the first place winner, the second place loser gives something okay to the second place winner, and so on.
Bad Sport: If the person is a bad sport about what is happening to them, they might get a dock.
Uncooperative: If the person is giving me lip or not cooperating, I might penalize them or I might just kick them out of the battle arena. A GM is allowed because if everyone were to judge their own things, they would be cheap. So I have no tolerance for people who are a pain in the ass to the GM.
Kamikaze: Those characters who blow themselves up in order to kill another character might get this penalty. As always, I will choose to apply the penalty.
Chicken Penalty: If you are a utter chicken, I will penalize you. I might even force you to play as a chicken your next battle.
Other Notes:
The GM, unless the GM is a player and is playing as his own character(s), does not get any prizes by default, unless previously decided that he should.
Different Battle Arenas:
Assassin: Kill people without revealing your own position.
Base Capture: Captures bases and control them for as long as possible. Inspired by Starsiege Tribes.
Counterstrike: Similar to the game Counterstrike, one group of players tries to free the hostages, the others try to keep them.
CTF: Capture the Flag.
D&D: Destroy and Defend; one group attempts to destroy something, the other attempts to protect it.
Easter Egg Hunting: Players go after "Easter Eggs", or things that they must bring back. Players may fight each other, steal each other's stuff, etc. Here are some ideas for objects:
Drug Shipments
Easter Eggs
Errant Explosives (also can be used to institute a time limit)
Special Crates
Zerg Eggs
El Presidente: Protect the President, be the President, or kill the President.
Hide and Go Seek: One player or the GM plays as a super-strong character and players hide from that character. It is possible to kill the Seeker, though likely very difficult.
Keep Away: Players must hold an object for a certain amount of time; the winner is the one who can.
Mafia: Players play as the Mafia, Civilians, Sheriffs or Medics.
Murder: One player is the "Murderer", and people must try to figure out who he is.
Racing: Race around a track or something. The fastest players do not necessarily win because they can be stopped by other players.
Secret Mode: Everyone decides their moves before the round. Unless dodging, they must stick to their battle plan.
Standard: Free-for-all fight to the death.
Super Smash Bros. Style: This does make some avenues of fighting very powerful and other virtually useless, but it is fun.
Vs. Mariner: Fight Mariner. You might win.... or not.
Weapon Roulette: Players lose all powers and weapons, save maybe for weak armor and weak weaponry. Every turn, they get back a random power or weapon. A great way to even out the power levels between newbies and non-newbies and give talented newbies a chance.