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Writer: Barbara
Age: 40
Character: Coyote, the Trickster (NPC)
Age: dates back to early Native American mythology
Type: Shamanic Spirit

Appearance: Coyote can appear as an animal (coyote of course), a handsome young man, or an ancient Native American man. And variations in between.

Abilities: shapeshifting (limited); transformation/change....mostly by trickery(why expend energy when you can make mortals do your work for you?) This entails change for the person/persons involved, be it an individual or tribe.

Example: he's rumored to have given Native Americans fire. This of course, transformed or changed aspects of their life in profound ways. It's not uncommon for him to work this as a lesson to the individual, even if he seems to be the butt of lesson. He can 'charm' people to a certain extent. Similar to vampires, he requires eye contact. Doesn't work on vampires, Alpha weres, or powerful witches/shamans, etc.

Travel...he uses the Spirit Realm to travel, even when he has a passenger in tow. The affect on a bodily transfer appears to the mortal involved to be a passage through a foggy/misty area. Sounds travel and echo oddly, but none of the sources of the sounds are seen. It's cool, damp, and though it seems they walked but a minute, when they reach their destination, it's as if the mortal as been walking for hours. They feel tired. The exit from the Spirit Realm can be disorienting...though it appears to have no affect on Coyote.

Weaknesses: can't shapeshift into anything beyond what was listed under appearances. Can't teleport more than 2 mortals at a time. Subject to a higher authority and has been known to lose his powers when he oversteps his bounds. He picks on fellow spirit, Raven too often...not wise. And he has a 'thing' for Owl.

History: There are many 'histories' and legends about Coyote throughout Native American tribes from coast to coast. In some he is a noble creature, some have him as a creator, still others he is a culture hero. Suffice it to say, when Coyote comes to town, he's usually up to something...and it's usually no good...or so the mortal who crosses his path might think. Sometimes those pranks seem to backfire on him, but there's often a moral attached to what he does...and who's to say he hasn't planned it that way. The non-mortal butt of his pranks have been Raven, Blue Jay, and Owl. But if you ask Coyote, he's not evil. He's merely a noble...trickster!
