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Geoffrey David Reynolds-Ged



AGE: 31

CHARACTER'S NAME: Geoffrey David Reynolds - Ged



DESCRIPTION: Ged stands 5'11" tall in bare feet and weighs in at 150 lbs. He has blue eyes, blonde hair cut close to his head and even at 25 still manages to retain an air of the high school football player he once was. He has golden skin, a slightly crooked nose where it was broken 10 years ago, eyelashes to die for and a small birthmark (that Lorna dubbed his beauty spot!) to the left of his wide mouth. He's good-looking in a fresh faced way (although he'd much prefer to be good looking in a dashing hero way). Ged is kitted out in regulation shirt, tie, slacks and blazer for work, but is happiest in jeans/ jogging pants and t-shirts.

PERSONALITY: Ged has such an easy going, sunny personality that his nick-name in school was 'Captain Fantastic'. He genuinely enjoys life, and wants to share his enthusiasm with those around him. He is serious about keeping fit, runs and does Tai Chi every morning and goes to the gym at least three times a week. He's outgoing, friendly and has a well developed sense of humor - all of which add up to a large circle of friends and a lot of party invitations! Ged has a sensitive side he prefers to keep to himself and his closest friends. He's been hurt a few times when others have taken advantage of his gullible nature, and he sometimes frets about things he can't alter.

ABILITIES: Ged is currently working as a graphic designer. He often gets sent to soften up clients since he is so personable but he is also a damn fine designer. He loves dancing and tries to go out every weekend. If pressed, Ged will admit he plays the guitar very badly. He suffered from asthma as a kid, and this is one of the reasons he takes his fitness so seriously. He could probably lead a class in Tai Chi if he thought about doing it. He cannot cook at all and is shamefaced about the 'Thanksgiving Turkey Episode' of last year.

HISTORY: Ged was born in Sanctuary and has lived there all his life, apart from 4 years he spent as an Exchange Student at Manchester University, in England. He's a middle(ish) child in a sprawling, happy family of 5 boys and three girls and still lives at home, despite teasing from friends. He's suffered from a bad case of unrequited love for his best friend, Lorna Fenton, ever since they first met in Manchester, although he's never dared tell her how he feels. Ged was devastated when Lorna first disappeared, and suffered from nightmares about her (imagined) fate. The nightmares became less frequent as time passed, but never really left him. He's both surprised and delighted that Lorna is in Sanctuary now, and will do everything he can to keep her happy. He's also incredibly worried about why she won't talk to him about where she's been, and why she seems to be keeping everyone at arms length.






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