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Jenny Curtiss-Knight

Jenny Curtiss-Knight

Writer: Kelly Rhodes


Age: greater than 17!

Character: Jenny Curtiss-Knight

Nature: Human Watcher, Guardian of the Approaches, witch, psychometrist

Age: 29

Description: Jen is short, somewhat stocky, and not particularly attractive at first notice. In fact, she's pretty plain--although some might say lately she's developed a sort of healthy 'glow'. A patient observer might see that her eyes are a nice shade of brown, or notice the auburn highlights in her brown hair. She prefers to dress in practical clothes like jeans, sweaters and T-shirts, with of course a leather flight jacket and her Ray-Bans! On her left ring finger she always wears a plain gold ring of a spiraling, archaic design. A long thick scar runs down her breastbone.

Personality: Generally good-natured, Jen enjoys a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor and a bit of a temper. At heart she's a cynical romantic, but her marriage seems to have given her a new sense of confidence and contentment. Since her 'personality integration', Jen has noticed herself becoming more laid back and patient, perhaps even somewhat naive. This is at odds with the harder edge she developed during her trials and tribulations. Throw in some mood swings due to pregnancy and who knows what her personality will settle into eventually?

Special Talents or Abilities: First and foremost, Jenny is Watcher of the Elysian ley line node, and Guardian of the Approaches at Elysian Field. When at Elysian, her abilities are amplified and expanded. She can manipulate the node's energy with 'spells' that are generally derived from flight lessons and other aviation esoterica. Elysian is a place of transport and transition, so Jenny can use the node to travel to other planes or realms but it is a dangerous and confusing journey. She can also affect the weather and see Fey, spirits and ghosts there. The node gives her some resistance to vampiric powers. Jen considers herself the templar and priestess of the Skyfather at Elysian. She is also a psychometrist. Jenny's personality now encompasses her two past lives, Gareth and Joe, which gives her their memories and some of their knowledge and skills. She owns and wields Sequence, a solar sword that continually glows; but she's not really an accomplished swordswoman. Jenny has a shamanic totem, Dragonfly, but Jen is not truly a shaman. She has walked the Skinchanger's Way, which allows her to take either Joe or Gareth's form; the downside is that she will not willingly change back. She has been acknowledged as Hap's vampiric 'master' with all the problems and duties that encompasses.

Weaknesses: Whenever Jen uses her powers she will be subject to backlash like any magic user; for her this generally takes the form of exhaustion or some kind of injury. When not at Elysian, Jen's powers are weak and inconstant at best. She has ordinary strength, speed and senses, and is no tougher than any other normal human. Jenny is lousy at astral projection and must be in a state of shock, sickness or trance to accomplish it. Because she and her husband Alex share pieces of one another's soul, their souls will always try to merge into one being when they astrally project together, and this is difficult for them to resist. Jen has a weakness against Fey glamour that behaves almost like an allergy; High Court Fey leave her dazed and easily led. If Jenny uses her skinchanging ability, she will resist being turned back; also, every solstice she is cursed to to change into Joe or Gareth from sundown to sundown--except when she's pregnant.

Background Info: Born in Houston, Jen is a native Texan and recent transplant to Sanctuary. She had a happy, normal childhood, did well at her studies, and went to a state university. Her father died a few years ago and she still misses him, but she and her mother get along very well. For many years it seemed she'd never make up her mind just what she wanted to do with her life. Eventually she decided on psychology, and began to work towards becoming a counselor. Her psychometry led her to investigate the preternatural, and she picked that field as her minor. Along the way she became convinced she'd led a former life as a WWII fighter pilot, and recently she found this to be true. After graduating with a masters, she started her internship as a counselor. This did not pay well, but it allowed her enough disposable income to pursue her desire to fly, and she promptly enrolled at a local flight school. Along the way, she realized her heart was not in counseling. Throwing her fate to the winds, she decided to become a professional pilot. She's just earned her flight instructor's certificate. Young pilots go where the jobs are, and she found herself hired sight unseen by a flight school at a Class D field in Maine. Gritting her teeth, she packed up lock, stock and fat Siamese cat, and relocated. Since arriving in Sanctuary she's discovered her past lives as Joe Ryan, fighter pilot, and Gareth Beaumains, knight of the Round Table. She also found that she was destined to be bound to the ley line node at Elysian Field. Through her many adventures and misadventures, Jenny fell in love with shaman and lawyer Alex Knight, and they were recently married. Jenny is even now expecting their first child, but the fledgling family is already crumbling as Jen and Alex find themselves at odds.



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