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Jill Breaker

Jill Breaker

Writer: Jp LaFond


Age: 100yo (August 26, 1900) - looks as if she was in her early 20s

Character: Jill Breaker

Nature: Master Vampiress

Description: 5'8", 140lb, short auburn hair, hazel eyes, beautiful woman, doesn't wear heels and dislikes skirts and dresses.

Personality: Feels a woman is the equal, or superior to any man. She was a suffregate and quite influential in the women's movement. She is somewhat driven and power-hungry. She also takes education very seriously and has studied many things over the years.

Special Talents/Abilities: She is a Master vampiress, who has come into her own in a less than a hundred years of being a vampire. She's got the typical vampire abilities. Her Master abilities are: Telepathy and to a lesser degree Telekinesis. She still isn't as strong with them as she'd like to be. She has a gentle touch with telepathy. Her telekinesis control is still somewhat spotty, when she is under a lot of stress, but she works with it every day to gain better control. Her animal is a the weasel family, which includes ferrets and minks. She especially enjoys using telepathy to her animals to use them to ferret out information for her. They act as her little furry spies. She is extremely wealthy. She came from wealth and she's made good investments over the years. She takes education very seriously and over the years studied economics, law, psychology and sociology.

Weaknesses: Typical vampiric weaknesses, as well as various mental eccentricies. Like many intelligent academics, she has blindspots for her theories. And it is exceedingly difficult for her to let go of her theories. It doesn't help that she is stubborn. She is a militant feminist and can be kicked into a rage by playing on that. She will not roll a female, if she doesn't have to. She will seek out macho men to bend to her will and show that she is superior. There have been a few times when she had gotten involved in domestic abuse cases and made it her priority to socially, mentally and then physically break the offender. She's also a little slow to adapt to the changes in the world such as dress and trends. The only thing that she adapts to quickly is economic trends and there only because she has cultivated very good financial people that she makes sure are exceedingly loyal to her and her bottom line. She still dresses in 1980s fashions and is just starting to adapt to the current world. She'll adapt if the trend changes are pointed out to her, but initially, she'll be a little off: ie; in the early 80s, Goth was big. She picked it up in the 90s, just at the end of the trend.

Background Info: Catherine Houghton and her mother were suffregates. They fought for the woman's right to vote. They followed in the path of Susan B. Anthony and Bloomer. Neither of them war the trappings of women. They wanted to be taken on the same terms as men. They rejoiced when the 19th amendment was passed, and celebrated for a week. During that week, Catherine met her future Sire. He was a Boston Brahmin and he didn't know what to make of the young NYC socialite. In his day, a woman knew her place and young Catherine didn't. That intrigued him. On her side, she was struck by him. There was something about the look of him. She teased him for not eating and he complained of a sensitive stomach. They spent a few evenings in speak easys, dancing and talking. His business took him away and he had to leave her. They kept up correspondence between her life and his in Boston, Britian and wherever his business took him. In the Fall of 1923, he visited her in New York. She was upstate at the family house where she was being treated for TB. The diagnosis was grim. Her Sire brought her over. A mistake he has had plenty of time to regret. The twenty years they were together were difficult. He had no head for money. She was absolutely livid with him for losing a large portion of their money to Charles Ponzi's flim-flammery in Boston just before the con man was deported in 1934. That was one of their more memorable explosive blow ups. She walked ot on him and he didn't see her for two months. When he caught up with her, she had built a life for herself back in New York City. At that point, they kept seperate residences and more importantly seperate finance sources. She is moving up very quickly, though not as quickly as she'd like. She's made some friends with some of the Lords/Ladies of the Land and with various council members. She grew up in High Society and some skills translated easily to the world of vampire politics. She's here in Sanctuary to make a name for herself. She heard there was a Helsing here - bagging him would be a feather in her cap. Or that was her plan. She has heard that Lee Snypes controls this Helsing and she's looking into it both for herself and for some of her friends.


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