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John M. Smith (NPC)

Writers: Barbara Akers


Age: 40

Character: John M. Smith

Age: 40

Type: Human(NPC)

Description: 5'11", 170 pounds, nondescript features, mousy colored hair, hazel eyes...nothing that makes him stand out.

Talents: As an agent of the FBI, he's familiar with guns, working with police departments, local government officials, and computers. Certainly not an expert, he is simply good at a lot of things. He's lately been working on a team that deals with internal acts of terrorism.

Weaknesses: normal human weaknesses; ice cream (he loves ice cream)

History: Totally boring childhood. Father was in middle management, mother was a stay at home mom until all the kids were in school, then she went back to teaching elementary school. He hates his middle name and never tells anyone what it is. Entered into law enforcement. Was competent and showed an ability to think under fire and stress. Applied after 3 years for the FBI. At 27 he joined the FBI and worked various areas of the bureau. Currently has been in the department that handles internal terrorist acts. He has been called to go to Sanctuary to look into the Hand's activities and the multiple attacks on various members of the PSTF.






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