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Lorna Meredith Anne Fenton

Lorna Meredith Anne Fenton




CHARACTER'S NAME: Lorna Meredith Anne Fenton



DESCRIPTION: 5'5" tall, 120 lbs., Lorna has a lean, athletic build. She has a slightly square face with high cheekbones, a straight nose and a full bottom lip. Her hair and brows are dark brown (with reddish highlights in bright sunlight) and she sports a somewhat tousled bob. Her best features are her clear Grey eyes and her smile which lights up a normally serious face. Lorna is reasonably pretty, but not astoundingly so; her chin is far too determined to pretend sweetness! She usually dresses casually; jeans, t-shirts etc, although she does own tailored suits and dresses and some stunning evening wear. On the rare occasions when Lorna removes clothing in company, or wears certain tops, her tattoo can be seen. Covering almost her whole back, it is a face-front depiction of a blue/silver western dragon.

PERSONALITY: To most people, Lorna initially appears quite serious. On greater intimacy though, they realize she has a dry sense of humor, and an optimistic outlook on life that is never the less tempered by a good sense of practicality. She does possess a very hot temper (luckily it takes a lot to really rile her). Independent and strong willed, Lorna won't be pushed into anything she doesn't want to do and she can be quite manipulative given a chance. However, she is also very loyal to those she deems friends, the closest of whom would probably describe her as an honest, affectionate, tactile person.

ABILITIES: Lorna is a good dancer - the awkwardness of her younger self was combated by years of enforced ballet lessons. And although loath to admit it, Lorna secretly loved them. She became a committed 'clubber' in university ­ along with her best friend Ged, going dancing several times a week. She is scared of spiders and her biggest failing is her stubbornness - Lorna has backed herself into corners in the past by simply refusing to compromise in order to make a point.

HISTORY: Lorna comes from a financially privileged background and although born in Boston, she was brought up in England by her aristocratic mother and stepfather, Lord and Lady Marchant. She has a younger half brother called Justin whom she loves unconditionally, although her relationship with the rest of her immediate family would be best described as uncomfortable. She blossomed during her undergraduate years at Manchester University from a shy girl into a confident, young woman. This was also where she met Ged, an American Exchange Student who quickly became Lorna's best friend. After graduating with a First Class Honours degree in English and History, Lorna accepted a Ph.D. in Early English Narrative Poetry at Aberystwyth University. During her first semester she arranged for all her things to be put into storage and disappeared. Family and friends assumed the worst until postcards began arriving from the missing girl. Always from a different location, the cards were sent every few months and did little more than indicate Lorna was still alive. Three years went by. She resurfaced in Sanctuary, Ged's hometown, only a few weeks ago with little more than the clothes on her back. She has been staying with Ged and his family whilst contacting/reassuring (and placating!) her family, sorting out her finances, and arranging the shipment of her belongings from their storage in England. Lorna refuses to talk about where she has been or how she supported herself during her missing three years except to say 'travelling' although she will become more open as time progresses and she readjusts to life in the town.






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