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Character Name: Maire--uses the last name O'Grady

Writer's Name: Nici


Writers age: Older than I wished!

Character's Age: She's Fey--Irrelevant

Nature: Fey

Appearance: Her face is young looking and almost ethereally beautiful, creamy pale skin, with high cheekbones, a delicate nose and piercing blue eyes. Her hair, her oddest feature and surprising in one whose visage is so young (looking that is!), is grey and falls to the middle of her back in waves. She stands 5 feet, 7 inches tall and favors long skirts and peasant blouses with high heeled boots most of the time. It's an old fashioned look, but it suits her somehow and doesn't mask her sexuality one bit. She detests pants on women. She can change into either horse or dog form and when in these forms, her coat remains the odd greyish colour of her hair in human form.

Personality: Her personally is one of cool aloofness, and she can go from sudden silence to a semi-mocking grin in a matter of minutes. Her laugh, which is rarely heard, brings to mind the musical pealing of silver or crystal bells. This demeanor hides a heart that calls to all strays of the Fey variety. Although she is a trickster, and in the past often caused much mayhem, her 'favour' to the owner of the 'Unicorn includes at least attempting to behave herself. She still retains a sense of mischief however. Slow to anger, she can summon a fierce temper if goaded.

Abilities/Weaknesses: Usual Fey weakness with regard to cold forged iron which can kill or incapacitate. Ability to use her glamour to appear more attractive and her glamourie can be used to cloak her appearance and she has limited ability to use it for smaller spells--nothing flashy. Can shift from her human-like form to a grey mare or a grey Irish wolfhound at will. Plays a mean fiddle if she's in the mood.

History: Maire drifted between the Veil and the mortal Realm for ages, like all lower court of her kind, she was almost drawn to mortals and preferred the more 'earthy' nature of humanity-much preferable to kow-towing to the more powerful Daoine Sidhe in Faerie. Part of her nature as a trickster involved trickery and pranks on said mortals-some mild in form, some more malevolent. However, the thing to remember with Fey is that they have a different set of morals-she didn't perceive she was doing anything wrong, necessarily. A few years back, give or take a mortal century or two, she'd made herself quite comfortable in one area of Ireland. A former high ranking member of the Daoine Sidhe took it upon himself to come to the aid of the villagers that a certain 'Ghost Mare' was terrorizing. Maire, in customary fashion told him to mind his business and get out of her 'territory'. Intrigued, he found every opportunity to foil her trickery-it almost became a game of sorts-seeing who could out foil the other. Eventually, competition turned to a well hidden respect and then to warmer feelings. They were lovers for years until they both got bored with that and decided to be friends instead-although they did look each other up every decade or so for a bit of fun.

Maire lived quietly in Ireland for the past few decades with her friend Diarmuid-one of her 'strays'. She recently moved to Sanctuary to manage the Silver Unicorn for her old friend and past lover (who purchased the pub on a whim) in payment for a favor that neither will mention-or at least they won't yet.

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