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Melisande 'Mel' Kenny

Melisande 'Mel' Kenny

Writer: Nici
Age: Old enough
Character's Name: Melisande "Mel" Kenny
Character's Age: 34
Nature: Human, with telekinetic ability

Description: Six foot tall, with long legs and a figure that would be rangy and boyish if she hadn't also been gifted with her mother's curvy hips and breasts. Her height has always been the bane of her existence, but she never slouches (her mother would never allow her to do that-even when she was the tallest girl in class) She's got an exotic mixture of looks; her mom was a mulatto and her dad was the traditional Irishman (she got her height from his side of the family). Her skin is a very light caramel (she looks perpetually tanned) set off by almond shaped green eyes and jet black hair that is extremely curly and falls just past her shoulders (and is usually worn in a chignon or braid to keep it out of her face). She's extremely attractive and tries to hide it since she considers it to be a definite negative in her line of work. At work, she wears neutral colours, usually a slacks suit and flats, or a turtleneck, dressy jeans and a blazer.

Personality: Extremely driven. She hides a ton of insecurities behind humour. Cannot stand not being taken seriously or like one of the guys and has learned the art of insult and parry. When backed against the wall, she tends to push her way out of the corner. She's constantly fighting with her temper and it's effect on those around her---and is slowly learning more positive ways of dealing with it.

Abilities: Telekinetic ability up to 30-40 lbs with ease. With an extremely concentrated (and exhausting) burst of energy, she can manipulate or move heavier objects, but it's tiring and leaves her with a hell of a migraine. Her police skills rely on her being and excellent shot (at least on the firing range--she's been lucky and never had to discharge her weapon in the line of duty thus far) and being well trained in hand to hand combat.

History: Her parents racial differences caused a great deal of friction on both sides of the family-more so on her father's side. He was disowned. Luckily, he had a strong educational background to fall back on, along with an iron will. He joined a small law firm and started his way up from the bottom. Hard work and a nose to the grindstone attitude won him many clients, lots of money, a partnership and the end of his marriage when Mel was 13.

Around this time, puberty, Mel's psi abilities first became apparent. Her father blamed her mother's "voodoo" background, which further strained the already broken marriage and Mel and her mother moved to upstate New York to get away from him. Her mother sought, and obtained, someone to train her with her new found abilities and teach her control. When Mel graduated High School at the top of her class, her father fully expected her to follow his footsteps and become and attorney. She threw him for a loop by defying him and studying Criminal Justice at the University of Rochester with a Minor in Preternatural Studies and joining that city's police force. During her rookie years and as a beat cop, she helped out on the small neighborhood task force known as NAT (Neighborhood Area Taskforce) which set up substations in less affluent areas to create (or try to) a closer relationship with the city residents.

Mel's mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer and died when she was 27. Secretly angry and resentful at her father, but needing to be close to at least one of her parents, she transferred to Boston and put up with her fathers constant meddling-at least until three years ago when she'd had enough. She applied for and got a position in the Sanctuary Police Department as a beat cop and moved the minute she was accepted. Needless to say, her relationship with her father is distant and strained. After the recent happenings regarding the prior task force, she thought her psi ability and minor in Preturnatural Studies might be useful and applied to PSTF.

Through hard work and the same obstinate attitude she hates in her father, she's managed to work her way up the ranks and has recently been promoted to Detective.

