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Patrick J. Buchanan Patrick J. Buchanan

Character: Patrick J. Buchanan (NPC)

Writer: Laura Masters

Age: 23

Character Age: 30

Nature: Wererat

Description: 5'10", 170 lbs., dark blonde hair (worn cropped close to his head), icy blue eyes, lean but muscular. He's often seen in anything from jeans and a t-shirt to linen pants or dress clothes.

Personality: Patrick has a strong personality. He's confident, stubborn, and show a touch of ego now and then. He's had to be strong growing up because of his parent's disapproval at his choice of paths. He only has aggressive tendencies when he's deeply involved emotionally, although he's very protective towards his sister. He often comes across as lazy, but he's intelligent and just has a tendency to take the most efficient route.

Abilities: Beta wererat with standard were abilities: quick healer, acute senses, enhanced strength. He's only been a were for about 2 1/2 months, so he is just learning about his new abilities and how to deal with them.

Graduated from the University of Texas (Austin) in the Liberal Arts program (with a Major in Ethnic Studies and a Minor in French). Played lead guitar in a band (rock) for nine years, including through his college years.

History: Patrick spent a good deal of time with his sister growing up. As children of a Southern Baptist preacher and wife, they were accustomed to parents who always seemed to be working. He can probably be credited more with raising her, which helped him to grow up fast. Consequently, he can be protective of his sister.

Patrick was working as a manager at a coffee house in Austinin order to pursue his career with the band. His involvement in breaking up a brawl at one of the clubs they were playing at led to him being scratched badly and contracting lycanthropy.

The whole situation resulted in a fight with his parents when they accused him of bringing this upon himself with his sinful life and trying to keep his sister separated from him. In exasperation and anger, Patrick left Austin looking for peace elsewhere and knowing that Keely would not be able to live there in peace much longer, either.

He's spent the last few months travelling the states and waiting for a tug in the right direction. Because of the recent decision to leave Austin, he has not joined a nest and dealt with the formalities of learning about his new abilities, the responsibilities that come with them, and what life is like in a nest.

Becoming a were has presented some problems for Patrick. He often tries to tackle his personal problems on his own, however, in this case, his few months traveling have convinced him that the support of the nest will help his transition more than muddling through it on his own. Patrick has been well-rounded and able to take on anything in the past, but life as a were is totally new to him. Although the prospects of this new life have not frightened him, he has not truly had an opportunity to adjust. Mostly his "take life one day at a time" attitude will keep him grounded and positive, rather than bitter over the abrupt changes in his life. Getting down to the last dollar, he knows he'll have to settle somewhere soon. It's time to start looking for his sister Keely.


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