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Ren Montgomery

Ren Montgomery


AGE: 33

NAME: Henry 'Ren' Montgomery


NATURE: Human Psi

DESCRIPTION: Dark brown hair with too much curl to do anything with, Ren likes to wear it kind of long. His eyes are light gray and somewhat strange looking. He's 5'10" and a bit underfed looking. His usual attire is jeans and band tee shirts and leather boots or sneakers. In cold weather he wears a thermal tee under the band tee shirt.

PERSONALITY: He's a nice enough guy, with a little bit of an attitude. His philosophy is pretty much live and let live, and he's loyal to friends.

ABILITIES: Unbeknownst to Ren, somewhere a few generations back in his family tree, a Djinn took a liking to one of his female relatives. The genes have resurfaced once every few generations, giving rise to tales of eccentric characters, including a great uncle who was a famous escape artist. Now they've cropped up to give Ren a very interesting ability. He can walk through walls. At least, some of them. The thickness and the density of the materials make all the difference, and he's pretty much limited to about six inches of a dense material like stone or brick. Glass or wood is easier and he can phase through about a foot of similar material. Metal is very difficult, unless it is wire or mesh. It is a painful process, and he can only do it once in four hours and twice in twenty-four hours. If he pushes that limit he passes out for from six to twelve hours, and has days of flu-like symptoms afterward.

He's a fairly talented artist, able to draw and paint in oils and acrylic. He hopes to make a living at it someday, but so far he's just given all his work away.

HISTORY: Ren was orphaned as an infant and raised by his maternal grandmother. She loved him dearly, and did her best for him, but by the time he hit his teens she simply wasn't up to dealing with his more negative habits. He slacked off at school, hanging out with a group of 'heads and staying stoned a lot of the time. He got his diploma, barely, but didn't even try for college.

Mostly Ren has worked temp jobs all kinds since graduating, and selling a little marajuana to his friends to support his own habit. Up until recently he was living with his grandmother in Butler, Pennsylvania. So far, his life has been pretty uneventful, and no one, not even Ren, thinks there's anything special about him. But that's all about to change.

