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Writer: Nici

Age: Old enough

Characters Age: 150 years

Nature: Master vampire (NPC)

Appearance: Avg. height, with Asian features and European coloring. His hair is salt and pepper, stick straight and is usually in a long braid down his back. He's usually dressed in all in black with occasional dashes of bright colour (usually red or white). The key for him is always ease of moment and practicality.

Personality: Cool and calculating, he rarely allows himself the luxury of extreme emotion. Some call him cold, but he just simply doesn't see the need to resort to melodrama to make his displeasure known. Not a talker, he'd prefer to be left alone to read until he's needed on assignment. To him, the time wasted talking could be spent *doing*.

Abilities/Weaknesses: Standard vampire weaknesses (sunlight, silver). He's one of those rare 'rotters'--gives him the ability to withstand more damage and heal faster--while also grossing out and surprising opponents. Well versed in self defense and offensive maneuvers, he prefers bladed weapons but does often carry firearms. He's called Shade for a reason: he's got an uncanny ability to blend with shadow (not literally of course) and move with silent grace--useful on recon/spy assignments). Not a bad flier, his talents are more useful when on terra firma. Calls rats.

History: He was born of an English father and a Geisha mother, Shade (not his real name, natch--and he's not talking) grew up in alternate states of prosperity and poverty--his mother was horrid at budgeting her income and his father left right before his birth and never reappeared. As he approached adolescence, his mother shipped him off to relatives who in turn shipped him off to America. He landed on the California coast and became the servant of a vampire living in that area.

This master was a skilled con man, grifter and blackmailer. He saw the spark of intelligence in Shade's eyes and took the young boy and groomed him from the age of 14 until the age of 28, when he changed him.

Shade quickly outpaced the Master and departed for Europe. In that setting, he soon found himself under the scrutiny of the Counsel who from time to time used him on special assignments but never truly trusted him for an Enforcer position due to his 'training'.

Recently, Lord Sanctuary's friend Vikki Blackwood heard that he was looking for extra backup. She pulled a few strings and Shade was drafted to come to Sanctuary. She figures he has promise and he'll either prove himself beneficial or he'll soon be found to be untrustworthy and Lee will kill him.


                          Vampire Listing

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