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HEAD> Tanith


Age: Irrelevant

Nature: Fey, half Daoine Sidhe, half phooka

Writer: Nici


Description: Tanith takes after her father, Maghnus, in height and stands close to six feet tall, is very lean and well proportioned. Her hair is the colour of white fire--very, very pale silver blond and her eyes are hazel. She's lovely--but then her father is Daoine Sidhe, so that's to be expected.

Personality: Tanith has a complex mixture of personalities that altogether only serve to make her intriguing to most people. She has the passion and wildness of her mother, Maire, who is a phooka, and the cool arrogance that her father Maghnus sometimes displays. She might seem quite aloof at times but it is usually only because she is 'sizing' someone up or simply thinking.

Abilities: She has the phooka-like ability to take the shape of an Irish wolf hound; also some ability to some High Court like magicks but it does take a bit out of her and she rarely bothers, limiting herself to smaller glamouries. Excellent at using daggers and smaller throwing knifes. She hates swords because they're much too bulky but a girl has to defend herself *somehow* and she has her fathers love of action to a certain degree--she just hides it well.

History: Tanith is the daughter of Maghnus, Lord of a Thousand Cuts and Maire, a lower court phooka, who met ages ago on the mortal realm. After years of an on and off relationship, Maghnus 'decided' that they should attempt some semblence of permanence between them. Maire agreed and bore him Fionn and Tanith. They, for a while, attempted to live in Faerie but Maire soon grew tired of the class structure, Maghnus' protective nature and also the fact that they were unable to be truly open about their relationship. She left Maghnus with the twins and took off for the mortal world again.

Tanith and her brother Fionn lived a sheltered life in the keep Maghnus had built outside of court. He taught them both to protect themselves, whilst struggling with their phooka talents. Tanith's life might have remained that of the sheltered young lady had she not met Aonghus, cousin to Raghnall Raven's Tongue and Muireann, Lady of Desire when they stopped at her father's keep during a visit to Faerie. Aonghus was besotted, Tanith was hesitant. Eventually, he won her love. When he decided that they could never life free of the class structures in their own realm and asked her to go with him to the mortal realm, she followed, intrigued by the idea of adventure.

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