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Tipper Sanchez

Writer: Barbara


Character's Age: 30....looks 20

Race: Human, psi, and Human Servant

Appearance: 5.7", 150 pounds, Tipper is small-boned. He has black, curly hair that is worn long. Wet, it would reach well below his shoulder blades, but due to the curl, it appears shorter. He has large brown eyes ringed by long, thick, black lashes...the kind a woman would die for. His skin is a light olive in color.

Personality: depends. He's basically insane. After the death of his Master/friend/lover, he's become alternately feral, or eccentric to the extreme, with only rare moments of lucidity. Before this, he was a quiet person who preferred the background to the limelight. He liked the simple things in life and tried to treat others as he expected them to treat him.

Abilities: weak psi, Tipper used 'hunches' to bet on horses, play the stock market, etc. His Master, Diego Gonzales, used that ability to accumulate wealth once it was proven to be highly accurate. It has strengthened to include odd associations/hallucinations often involving numbers since Diego was removed from the equation. Tipper has since become a Human Servant once more, but it hasn't seemed to improve his insanity in any fashion.

Weaknesses: Insanity. Normal human weaknesses. His ability to predict things is dependent on knowing what the numbers refer to. Hunches still work for betting, but other incidents are open to interpretation.

History: Tipper was in an orphanage when he met Diego Gonzales. Diego had been a conquistador and even after he was turned, had elected to remain in the New World. He had a wanderlust and in his travels came to the Midwestern town of Joplin, Missouri. He settled down there for a short time and met Tipper. Attracted to the fifteen year old's looks, Diego befriended him and eventually took Tipper with him when he left the town a year later. He discovered Tipper's psi abilities and made a profit for them both. At the age of 20, Tipper agreed to become the Human Servant of his friend and eventually an occasional lover.

Everything was fine. Tipper received a good education and lived in the lap of luxury. But all good things must end. A year ago, in St. Louis, Diego made a powerful enemy. He left the city when the Lord of the Land there made it plain he wanted the services of Tipper to increase his well as other services. Diego fled, but not far enough. Sebastián's cronies caught up with him in Kansas City. Bernard, Lord Kansas City, intervened for his old friend, but was too late to save Diego. Miraculously, Tipper survived the death, but lost his mind.

Sebastián wouldn't accept defeat and made a several moves to acquire Tipper 'legally'. Bernard, successfully blocked the attempts, but worried if it might be kinder to call in some markers and send Tipper away. Finally, he called in a marker with Alla Nabokov, an Enforcer for the European Vampire Council. He sent Tipper overseas to be taken care of by her.

Unfortunately, an old enemy of hers decided to make a play for her. In the ensuing attack, Tipper, was fatally injured. To keep him from dying, Alla bonded with the former Human Servant, once again setting him up in that capacity. It's been a less than convenient 'marriage' for the two of them.






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