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Steps Final Fantasy VII

Character Profiles
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12/12/2002: Its been over a year... and there are still people coming here!! heh... i should really do some updating!!! Well, ive got the night off from work (i dont get many nights off anymore) so im gonna look around for some fanart... and stuff.. and maybe fix up some music files?? I dunno..... =P

13/09/2001: Hey look...its been two months. Whoa... Sorry >.< Im still alive! Well, durin my absense, i got fanart! woohoo! I told the person i would put it up right away...heh. Im a guy, what did you expect? Well, ill be keepin up wit this. Or at least ill try. Ohh yea, i also got a banner...and that fanfic i was writing got deleted when my comp crashed (long story dont ask) Well, i hope you like what i did to tha site. PeAcE 13/07/2001: We've got fanart!! Go check it out!

07/07/2001: I've put up some music, check it out! Also, im gonna start writing the walkthrough tonite. Peace

28/06/2001: Hmm...well...jus to make this "right" I finished putting up the fic by T h r e a d s. Im gonna try to mess around with frames soon.....hehe. prepare to be shocked!

27/06/2001: Hey! Take the new poll i put up! Also, im in the middle of putting up new fanfic! BooYea! I personally think its really good, so when i get it up (probably sometime tonite) read it! Its by t h r e a d s ........finished putting up fanfic....1:15 AM. Hey, wouldnt this count as a new date then? Meh, im too lazy to make a new date =P

25/06/2001: Hehe...nevermind, i emailed angelfire, and they want my site to stay here. heh. Anyways, im thinking of writing up a walkthrough, ill make it myself. I finally got my site to be put up on anipike ^_^ Unfortunatly though, they put it up as a FFVII site...not a fanfic site. Thats why i want to put up a walkthrough, so that ppl dont get pissed when they find out that its jus "fanfics" I'll have to play the game over again, ohh well. Also, ill put up a dating guide, what the ppl say when you date them, chocobo breeding, materia, items, etc....heh, ill be quite bizzy! (i ment to speel that wrong)

24/06/2001: Hey, i finally made the tables! all i need to do now is make them look "better" lol. i know, im a perfectionist ^_^ I cant help it. thinking of moving my site to another wanna know why, angelfire SUCKS! well, it all goes like was okay, cuz it had 50MB of free space, now its only quickly filling up space....i need more than 5MB!! So, pretty soon ill have to mover everything. When i do finish moving, ill put a link on the front page(index) that would connect you to the better server site. Anyways, PEACE!

18/06/2001: Wow, i havent updated for over a week. Whats wrong with me!? Anyways, i finished putting Kylene Cepeda's fanfics in html format. Have fun reading

10/06/2001: Okay, for now im gonna give up on tha table thing....ill jus find another way to "present" the info

09/06/2001: might take me longer than I expected to finish making the character profiles....need to mess around with making a table...*GRRRR* Anyawys, I finished puttin up another fanfic...mave fun reading it!

08/06/2001: Finished making the "base" for the character to find the info *ick...* Also, im still tryin to put up fanfcs, so be patient. P.S. Updating every day is kinda...hard, but the site will get better!!

07/06/2001: I've learnt some more HTML!! yay!! Now to convert the whole entire site to it...grrrr... ill do it before i put up any more fanfics. Im also thinking of writing character profiles, a short bio about me, and you know "stuff"

06/06/2001: Well, I've finally finished "making" this site. Im emailing a bunch of authors who's stories i like ^_^ to see if i can get the permission to use the story. I'll also be learning some more HTML to make the site better

05/06/2001: Jus made the site, cool