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Steps Final Fantasy VII
The Drowning Man

Again, sorry, this may be another slow installment. Looks like it’s mostly going to be talking heads- but at least they’ll have something interesting to say (Don’t worry, it is necessary for character development.) But it should pick up for the next part- I think. As usual, Squaresoft owns FF7. Feedback is always welcome at: Note: Tête-à-tête is a French variation of conversation.

The Drowning Man
Part 3: Tête-à-tête
©2000 T h r e a d s

"Once upon a daydream,
He’d make you his someday.
And once upon a moonbeam,
He’d dream his life away."
(Once Upon a Daydream, The Police)

A cool breeze swept down off the mountains and into the hotel room that Vincent and Calyena sat in. It had been about two weeks since the three Turks had arrived in Nibelheim. Cal, it seemed was always doing some form of paperwork while himself and Knox rotated duties watching over the scientists, sometimes pulling double shifts because of Cal. The mind numbing work didn’t bother Vincent anymore. Instead of being on the job, Vincent thought of it as paid vacation to a location not of his choice. He could almost get used to the easy life, not looking over his shoulder everywhere he went. But an easy life like this either meant retirement, a desk job or death. Vincent wasn’t planning on any of these any time soon, especially the second one. At least when you were dead, the humdrum job wouldn’t eat through your mind.

The days had begun to cool down more in Nibelheim. Chill air currents seem to sweep down from the mountains now, announcing the coming of the fall. The days were still warm, but not comparable to the day they had arrived. Soon the leaves would fall from the trees, snow would descend from the sky; the season would change, winter would come. And then the land would warm, the snow would melt and grass and leaves upon the tree would grow again- making way for the new feeling of spring. That’s about all Vincent had to look forward too now, well, except for Lucretia.

After his initial introduction to Lucretia, he had spoken to her numerous times since then. After about the fourth time, Vincent’s nervousness had finally died down, and was able to say anything without stuttering or fidgeting nervously with his hands or feet. She was a wonderful girl. Though sometimes quiet, she always did have something interesting and well thought out to say. At first she had seemed a little standoffish, but had eventually relaxed and now acted more as his friend. Lucretia was Professor Gast and Hojo’s assistant in the JENOVA Project. He had tried to ask her about it- wondering why it was so secretive and why the Turks weren’t authorized to know about it completely. All Cal had told him was that it related to genetics and to the new reactor.

Vincent walked over to the half opened window and gazed out. It was an almost clear evening. A few thin, gray clouds streaked across a navy, star spotted sky. The light breeze rustled his partially unbuttoned shirt, and he slowly slid his hands into his pockets half-unconsciously as he continued watch the night unfold.

He was so captivated that he didn’t notice Cal walk up beside him.

"It’s a nice evening out." She said quietly. Cal was dressed in full uniform; she would be pulling part of the night shift once Knox returned. "A shame I’ll be indoors tonight."

"Well, there’ll be plenty more nights like this I’m sure."

Calyena sighed.

"Not if Shin-Ra keeps pumping filth into the sky... lately, it seems, they’ve become more industrialized… I don’t know- they’ve been changing over the years. A change I’m not sure I like."

Vincent looked up at her, surprised that they shared the mutual feeling. Surprise that Cal; the Shin-Ra supporter that she was would say that. He ran his hands through his hair as he looked back towards the window.

"I understand what you mean, I feel it too. Ever since Colonel Heidegger took over the Administrative research, our duties have changed significantly… and aren’t as legally sound."

"Ya." She agreed. "Things back at headquarters are becoming a little tense- and we may be the ones they take it out on."

"What are you saying? That we’re-"

"No, no. " Cal cut in. "I don’t think they’re ready to go to those lengths yet. I’m just saying, watch out. We’ve been able to get away with a lot of things in the past, but now it seems that if you make one mistake you’re gone." Cal paused, scratching her forehead, mostly to reflect Vincent suspected. "They’ve been barking a lot of orders down my throat lately, a lot of them I don’t like, a lot of them I contemplated refusing. Sometimes I wonder how Quentin handles it. I know Heidegger isn’t too thrilled with me at the moment, but don’t think the feeling is not relatively the same with yourself and Knox. We uphold the values of the old Shin-Ra, and Heidegger is looking for someone new who can be bent to his will. Don’t worry though, it’s not as bad as it sounds…as you think it is."

Vincent swallowed, still holding his trance out the window.

"Then this must be part of the reason we aren’t allowed to know about the JENOVA Project. We’ve turned the other cheek on a lot of unpleasant things, but this must be bad if they won’t let us know what’s going on. I’ve been thinking- they must be experimenting on humans again. From what little you’ve told me, that’s what it sounds like. The project must experiment with new ways to shower SOLDIER with mako- a more efficient way I guess. We’ve had to deal with issues like that before. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t have that serious an objection to it. But this…this…I just don’t know."

Cal nodded slowly in agreement, almost unnoticeable.

"As much as I hate, you may be right. I know they’re not telling us something, so whatever it may be, Shin-Ra knows it can be used against them if placed in the wrong hands."

"We may be able to pry some information out of the scientists here, but in the end, we still may never know."

"I don’t know about the scientists. We’ll never get anything out of Gast or Hojo. The two assistants- Adam and Lucretia…they may be a little more helpful."

Cal murmured a ‘hmm’ in agreement. With eyes cast down, she turned to lean against the window frame, facing Vincent.

"Perhaps. Although I’m on speaking terms with them, I doubt they trust me enough to say anything, especially if they’re under orders not to."

"What about Lucretia?" Vincent asked, turning to Cal for a moment. "She’s an intelligent woman, one who can think for herself, especially when she doesn’t agree with something."

"A possibility. She is very nice, but also loyal. She would really have to trust one of us."

"I’ve been getting to know her, she may grow to trust me in time." Vincent spoke quietly, gazing back out the window towards the mansion. Someone had left a light on.

"Well, just don’t get any ideas…" Cal replied with a half laugh. She looked at Vincent, and then at the lost look in his eye. "You don’t have any ideas, right?" Cal continued, her body tensing as she moved towards Vincent.


Vincent continued to look out the window.

"Vincent!" Cal called out, pushing him on the shoulder. He looked back up at her with a near guilty look on his face.

"Vincent…please, tell me that this is a joke."

Vincent continued to look back at her with the same expression.

"I…I’m sorry…" He whispered. Cal stared blankly at Vincent a moment, and shifted her weight, and leaned her back against the wall.

"Vincent… I don’t need this, not now. Not with everything that’s been going on with Heidegger."

Vincent kept the silence; eyes still fixed on the world beyond the window.

"Vincent," Cal began in a softer tone. "Do you… do you love her?"

Vincent continued to stare.

Cal breathed in deeply.

"Vincent," Cal began again, now in a harder tone. "Don’t think about acting on your feelings. You’re a Turk, you can’t go around seducing clients-"

"Is that what you think it is?" Vincent snapped back.

"No… but as I was saying, things concerning us at headquarters are very shaky- if anything should give them reason…"

"Cal, I won’t force anything upon her, if she’s not interested…"

Vincent!" Cal moved closer; fists tightened, jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed. "Don’t even think about acting on your feelings- I don’t care how strongly you feel about Lucretia, I don’t want to jeopardize our position here. Don’t do anything-"


Cal swung her head around, hair whipping and wavering in the dim room, red like flickering flames to see Knox standing over his jacket lying on the bed.

Knox cleared his throat.

"Sorry…" He said. "If I was interrupting anything. You’re up Cal, see you again at six."

"Don’t worry… Vincent and I were finished anyway." Cal spoke quickly and tightened her collar. "Don’t forget what we talked about Vincent."

She walked swiftly to the door, pausing to turn around.

"I’m sorry Vincent, I really am… but that’s just the way things are …believe me…"

She left the room as silently as she had come.

Knox snorted.

"She’s been rather edgy lately… Sometimes I wonder if it is Cal that I’m talking to. She’s really worried about her job…and it’s beginning to show."

Vincent nodded in agreement.

"I just hope she’ll stop for a moment and breathe before she suffocates herself."

Vincent walked over to the desk that Cal would normally be found at, and sat down. Knox walked over and sat down on the bed, nearest to him. He took off his tie and undid his rumpled white shirt. Knox paused for a moment, out of awkwardness and shook his hand through his sweaty hair.

"I know what you and Cal were talking about…. You know, Lucretia…"

"Well, I understand, anyway. I can’t ruin my professionalism…but, I’ve just never encountered a situation like this…or someone like Lucretia."

Knox gave a wry smile.

"She is cute." Knox paused to stretch out his neck. "What Cal was talking about, there is some truth to it- we are professionals, and Heidegger is not terribly fond of her… but I think she’s also a little paranoid. We’re not as threatened as she is. You know how she gets when she doesn’t like the way something is going."

"It doesn’t matter anyway… I’m sure it’ll pass."

Knox breathed in slowly as he pulled his shoes off and tossrd them to an undesignated corner.

"There is something else you don’t know," Knox said, looking back up at Vincent. Vincent looked back quizzically.

"About half a year ago, Cal had a crush on Quentin. Well, at least it started as one. She never told anyone; but you know me and the way I tend to float around people unnoticed- well, I eventually caught on and started bugging her about it. What started as a simple infatuation grew into something more. In the end she asked Quentin to dinner."

"And-" Vincent asked.

"He shot her down pretty hard."

Vincent winced slightly.

"I felt really bad for her, and still do. I don’t think she’s over him. But the worst thing about it was that she says she could have sworn he felt the same way; that there wasn’t a doubt in her mind; but she was wrong. Things were awkward for a few days…but returned to normal."

Vincent nodded slowly. "I think I remember when Cal and Quentin were upset at each other. They tried to cover it up, but did a poor job of it. I wonder why she never said anything to me…I figured we were close. But I know how stubborn she can be at times."

"I think she gave you that speech tonight Vincent, for two reasons. That she’s worried about you and doesn’t want to see you hurt…and because I think she’s still bitter about it not working out with Quentin."

"I can’t believe he did that to her. I not saying he had to date her, but at least turn her down in a kinder manner."

"I have the sinking suspicion she gave you a similar speech to the one she received from him."

"I don’t understand what she saw- what she sees in him. True, he can be nice at times, but most of the other times he can be a jerk." Vincent said as he slid back into the chair.

"Nobody had ever understood the reasons we fall in love."

"Tell me about it."

"Look Vincent, heed Cal’s words, there is a lot of truth to them. But if you’re sure- ONLY if you’re sure, then talk to Lucretia. I don’t need to see another of my friends hurt."

Vincent sighed slightly. "Okay…thanks. I had a feeling Cal was going a little overboard- but I don’t want to cause any trouble."

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, both just thinking about Cal, about Lucretia, about the way things tended to always work out.

Knox broke the silence as he rose sharply.

"Vincent, as much as I’d love to just sit and think, I smell badly and need a shower. Then I’m going to bed. I advise a similar course of action for you."

Knox walked around the bed and after a few seconds of digging found his towel and left the room to shower. Vincent contemplated doing the same, but decided against it and would take a shower in the morning.

He sat for a little while more, while Knox took his time in the shower. He wasn’t thinking, just sitting. Vincent didn’t want to think about the mess he was getting himself into. After a while, he slowly stood up from his chair, re-pocketed his hands, and walked casually back over to the large bay window.

He stood in front of it, watching the outside world spin by. It was night, and it was as if he was the only one alive in the town, but he still watched. He continued on, long after Knox retired to bed. Long after the one dim light in the mansion finally went out. Long after the cry of a lone wolf died.

Long after that, Vincent continued stand. Just…watching.

End Part III
To Part IV