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Bowser is kicked out of his own castle and he's always found crying about it which adds to the comic appeal. I personally like Bowser in this game because he is an idiot who makes you laugh. Like Joey off the TV show Friends.

FP Used: 6
Level Learned: N/A
Description: A Giant Big Boo is summoned to make all the enemies scared. For this move to work, you have to rotate the control pad clockwise.

Poison Gas
FP Used: 10
Level Learned: 12
Description: A big green cloud of poisonous gas surrounds all of the enemies and poisons them if it works. Their HP will slowly wilt away. Once again, you must rotate the control pad.

FP Used: 12
Level Learned: 15
Description: Bowser makes a giant rugged rock force upwards through the ground into the selected enemy! Press the Y Button just before the attack hits to cause extra damage.

Bowser Crush
FP Used: 16
Level Learned: 18
Description: A huge Mecha-Koopa stamps across the game screen hitting every single last enemy! I really like this move. Heh heh... Anyway, press Y repeatedly to make more damage!

Princess Peach

Princess Peach is not great at attacking (till she gets the Fryin' Pan! Yeah Baby!), but is the best healer you have and will ever get! She can heal status and HP "problems" with this little number. Group Hug rules because you can heal your whole party, while Therapy can heal only person. Both good moves. She is found in Marrymore when Booster tries to marry her. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary isn't it?

FP Used: 2
Level Learned: N/A
Description: The way I see it, Therapy is the second most important move in the game. I mean, it doesn't use much FP and heal both Status problems and nurse your HP back to the top. The only better Special move is Group Hug, which does the same, but to the whole party!!!!! Anyway, press the Y Button before the blue "shower" ends.

Group Hug
FP Used: 4
Level Learned: N/A
Description: Group Hug is THE BEST move in the game!!! Err... special attack that is. Best special attack. Like I explained in the Therapy section, it replenishes HP and Status problems! I love Peach! She rules! I mean let's face it. Geno is cool and the others are too, but she picks up the competittion by the scruff of it's neck and throws it out of her way! Once again, press the Y Button just before the shower ends for a bit more HP gained.

Sleepy Time
FP Used: 4
Level Learned: 11
Description: I hardly ever use this attack, but it puts one enemy to sleep if it works. In able to complete this attack, simply rotate the control pad clockwise.

Come Back
FP Used: 2
Level Learned: 13
Description: This move revives one ally that had previously, shall we say, bit the dust. It only replenises half of your HP if you don't push Y right as the star enters your fallen ally. If you manage to get it timed right, you get full HP!

FP Used: 3
Level Learned: 15
Description: This move disables the chosen enemy's special attacks! I some times use this move, but not to often. It isn't always effective. To complete this move, you must once again, (sigh), rotate the control pad clockwise. Ho hum.

Psych Bomb
FP Used: 15
Level Learned: 18
Description: Princess starts tilting back her arm and then lets it all loose as timy bombs! Believe me, They pack a wallop! It hits every darned enemy on screen. Simply press Y until you can't feel your thumb and those enemies don't stand a chance!

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Last Updated: 8/19/01
