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Hey Everyone. Welcome to my Links Page. I have quite a few new sites up and I'm still lookin'. My sister's site is coming along nicely. And rescpectively, a linky to her site was added. It is not about Super Mario RPG. Enjoy!
- Shadow

Sister's Page

Get High and Fly with Dragonchick : My sister's webpage. It is new, but cool. All it has is poems right now, but expect more cool stuff in the future.

Super Mario RPG Links

Andrew's Super Mario RPG Page : This site is an oldie, but a goodie. It has lots of basic information on weapons, armor, items, special items, a walkthrough, and other interesting, good ideas. Rumors, polls, and much much more.
Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars : Also a good info site. A walkthrough, a FAQ, and weapons and armor listings. If you are interested in polls and rumors and such, check out the link above. Otherwise, check this and the one above.
William's Super Mario RPG Page : This site is old, but still running. While it isn't the best fish in the sea, it's worth catching even if you must throw it back to the sea. There are errors and he hasn't updated in monthes or maybe even years. In spite of these facts, check it out. It's nice, but needs help.
Andy's Super Mario RPG Page : A very nice main image! This site has great potential, but he does not put that much new stuff up. Anyway, it has great music, a walkthrough, lots of pics, and a poll. Not bad.
World of Super Mario RPG : I cannot begin to describe the wonders this site has. A great layout, a chat room, message board, walkthroughs, pics, and so much more. If you are a fan... check it out now!
Danny's Super Mario RPG Page : Another awesome possum Super Mario RPG Page. I really like his main image. Pretty cool. He has polls, a walkthrough, hidden treasure locations, and lots more. Go here for a great site!

Other Links

Dave's Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Page : This is my Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Page. It is not ready. All it basically is, is news. Is, is. I'm horrible with grammar. Anyway, I will tell you on the main page and this page when it is ready.

Last Updated: 8/19/01
