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Imperial Equipment

Scout trooper armor
Cost: 6000
Defense Bonus: +5
Damage Reduction: 5
Max Dexterity bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: -2
Speed 10/6: 10/6
Weight: 10 kg
A lighter version of the stormtrooper armor scout trooper armor allows for more movement but offers less protection. The helmet has more built in features to assist anybody using the equipment. The armor contains a sensor pack, electrobinoculars, and a built in comlink. The armor offers a +4 bonus to listen and spot checks, and provides a +2 bonus to fortitude saves against hostile environments

Commando Armor
Cost: 4000
Defense Bonus: +4
Damage Reduction: 5
Max Dexterity bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: -2
Speed 10/6: 10/6
Weight: 6 kg
The commando armor is a stripped down version of stormtrooper armor and contains only the main protection parts. The armor set features a blast helmet with a visor to take the place of the full helmet. The commando armor is camouflaged to provide the wearer with extra protection. The armor also has a built in comlink and electrobinoculars. The armor provides a +2 bonus to hide, listen, and spot checks.

Gunnery Helmet
Cost: 1000
The gunnery helmet is capable of plugging into any vehicle’s or starship’s gun system. The gunnery helmet allows the wearer to use the guns better. The helmet provides a +2 bonus to attacks with the vehicles weapons. The helmet has a built in comlink and electrobinoculars.

Explosive Charges
Name / Cost / Size / Damage / Weight / Type
Nergon-14 / 5000 / Tiny / 10D8/2D8 / 2 kg / energy
Proton Charge / 5000 / Tiny / 10D6/5D6 / 12 kg / energy
Ion Charge / 3000 / Tiny / */-3 / 8 kg / energy

Nergon-14 is a powerful explosive used by special forces. It is extremely powerful stuff and is highly restricted. Nergon-14 is capable of blowing up huge areas. The charge has a range of 5 meters.

Proton Charge is not as strong as Nergon-14 but it is much easier to use. A Proton Charge has a range of 8 meters.

Ion Charge functions like an ion cannon. Any electronic devices within 5 meters is automatically shutdown. If the demolition check is failed all electronic devices suffer a -3 penalty to use.

Merr-Sonn PLX-2M
The Merr-Sonn handheld proton torpedo launcher is a very effective anti-fighter weapon. Mainly they are given only to Space Troopers but occasionally other troops are given these if their base is in jeopardy of being assaulted by fighters. It is treated as a starship weapon.
Cost: 6000; Damage: 5D10x2 (starfighter damage); Attack Bonus: +8 (+4 crew, +4 fire control); Range Modifiers: PB +0, S/M/L n/a