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Engineers are hard-working dedicated members of the galaxy that keep everything working. They design starships, weapons, armor, and vehicles. They earn their way in life by creating new things and fixing old things.
Exploits: Many wandering Engineers work for smugglers and are adventure junkies looking to meet the extreme. They are not extremely talented with weapon or ships but their experience designing them eventually allows them to use them also.
Characteristics: Engineers are hard-working and can function as general trouble-shooters. Their experience in fixing things allows them to use quick fixes to hold a problem at bay.
Background: Engineers usually excelled in school and not much else. Despite their physical inability they want to get in the action and make a difference in the galaxy and to achieve something greater than what their job is.

Game Rule Information

Abilities: Intelligence and Dexterity are the two most important skills for Engineers. Intelligence allows them to make use of their repair skills, while Dexterity allows them to use their creations more efficiently.
Vitality: 1D8 plus Constitution modifier per level

Class Skills

Skill Points at first level: (6+ Int Modifier) x4
Skill Points at each additional level: 6 + Int Modifier

Appraise (Int) / Disable Device (Int)
Computer Use (Int) / Knowledge (Int)
Craft (Int) / Profession (Wis)
Demolitions (Int) / Repair (Int)
Pilot (Dex) / Ride (Dex)

Class Features

Starting Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols)
Gearhead: At second level the Engineer gains Gearhead as a bonus feat.
Jury Rig: At second level the Engineer gains a +2 competence bonus on repair checks to attempt jury-rigged repairs. (The bonus increases +2 every two levels)
Starship Operation: At fourth level the Engineer gains Starship Operation as a bonus feat.
Armor Proficiency: At fourth level the Engineer gains Armor (Light) as a bonus feat.
Blaster Rifle: At sixth level the Engineer gains Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster rifle) as a bonus feat.
Vibro Weapon: At sixth level the Engineer gains Weapon Group Proficiency (vibro weapons) as a bonus feat.
Armor Proficiency: At seventh level the Engineer gains Armor (Medium) as a bonus feat.
Heavy Weapons: At eighth level the Engineer gains Weapon Group Proficiency (Heavy Weapons) as a bonus feat.
Armor Proficiency: At ninth level the Engineer gains Armor (Heavy) as a bonus feat.
Armor Proficiency: At eleventh level the Engineer gains Armor (Powered) as a bonus feat.
Credits: A 1-st level Engineer starts play with (2D6+3)x100 credits.

Level Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special Defense Reputation
1+0+0+1+1Sneak Attack +1D630
2+1+1+2+1Gearhead, Jury Rig +240
4+3+1+4+2Starship Operation, Armor (Light), Jury Rig +441
6+4+2+6+3Weapon Proficiency (Blaster Rifle), Weapon Group Proficiency (Vibro Weapons), Jury Rig +652
7+5+2+7+3Armor (Medium)62
8+6/+1+3+8+4Weapon Group Proficiency (Heavy Weapons), Jury Rig +862
9+6/+1+3+8+4Armor (Heavy)63
10+7/+2+3+9+5Jury Rig +1073
11+8/+3+4+9+5Armor (Powered)84
12+9/+4+4+10+5Jury Rig +1284
14+10/+5+5+11+5Jury Rig +1484
16+12/+7/+2+5+12+5Jury Rig +1695
18+13/+8/+3+6+13+5Jury Rig +18106
20+15/+10/+5+6+15+5Jury Rig +20116

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