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Sith Knight

Sith Knight A Sith Knight’s only goal is to spread pain and suffering across the land. They rain havoc and hardship wherever they go and let nobody escape their tight grip. The Sith Knights take pain and torture to the next level in their quest to spread evil throughout the galaxy


Base Attack Bonus: +6
Force Skills: Affect Mind +6, Battlemind +6, Enhance Ability +6, Fear +6, Force Grip +8
Feats: Force Lightning, Throw Lightsaber, Lightsaber Defense, Knight Defense
Special: A Sith Knight must have turned to the Dark Side
Vitality: 1D10

Class Skills

Bluff (Cha) / Demolitions (Int)
Disguise (Cha) / Intimidate (Cha)
Move Silently (Dex) / Sense Motive (Wis)
Survival (Wis) / Affect Mind (Cha)
Battlemind (Con) / Enhance Ability (Con)
Enhance Senses (Wis) / Fear (Wis)
Force Defense (Con) / Force Grip (Int)
Force Push (Int) / Force Stealth (Con)
Move Object (Int)
Skill points at each additional level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features

Weapon Proficiency: The Sith Knight is proficient with simple weapons, vibro-weapons, blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and the Lightsaber or Double Lightsaber

Obscurity: At first level the Sith Knight can choose to lose 4 reputation points.

Force Strength: At fourth level the Sith Knight may choose any Force Feat. If the force feat has a duration the duration is doubled. If the feat requires a roll to hit the Sith Knight receives a +5 to the roll.

Sith Mastery: At sixth level the Sith Knight graduates to Sith Master. The Sith Knight gains a bonus force feat that must be chosen from the following list; Master Defense, High Force Mastery, Master Mind, Master Speed.

Great Sith: At tenth level the Sith Knight is considered a Great Sith. The Sith Knight receives a +4 bonus to all force skill checks. All Force durations are 3 times as long and all Force Feat rolls get a +7 bonus.

Force Strength
Level Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special Defense Reputation
6+6+5+5+5Sith Mastery+7+0
10+10+6+6+6Great Sith+8+1

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