Bror Jace
Bror Jace
Bror Jace is a member of the leading family on Thyferra. After Rogue Squadron freed Thyferra Bror became an instructor for the Thyferran air defense. After training the defenders Bror returned to Rogue Squadron. Bror Jace was the best pilot of the reformed Rogue Squadron in their first six missions.
Bror Jace
Male Human Noble 3/Soldier 4/ Rogue Pilot 6; Init. +8 (Dex); Defense +18 (+14 class, +4 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 102/13; Atk. +12; SQ Familiarity +4 (X-Wing); SV Fort. +13, Reflex +15, Will +12; SZ M; FP 8; Rep 16; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Cha 15, Int 14, Wis 13
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, Flight Suit, Comlink, X-Wing
Skills: Pilot +30, Astrogate +15, Bluff +10, Climb +12, Computer Use +15, Demolitions +7, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +10, Jump +12, Move Silently +13, Repair +12, Ride +17, Search +16, Spot +15, Sense Motive +12, Survival +20, Swim +10, Treat Injury +20, Tumble +8.
Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Proficiency (blaster rifle), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons), Weapon Proficiency (vibro weapons), Armor (light), Armor (medium), Armor (heavy), Skill Emphasis (pilot), Starship Dodge, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precision Shot, Starship Pilot, Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Dodge, Rapid Shot, Multishot.