Wedge Antilles was the lead force behind the reformation of Rogue Squadron. He also formed Wraith Squadron which became a special operations unit. Wedge is the only Rebel Pilot to have survived both Death Star runs, the Battle of Hoth, and the assault of Coruscant. Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron led the attack on Coruscant and knocked out the shields that protected Coruscant from attack. Wedge has so many kills that he must make his kill silhouettes represent a dozen fighters. Wedge has since become a general and led the rebuilding on Coruscant. He has also married Iella Wessiri.
Wedge Antilles
Male Human Soldier 6/ Rogue Pilot 10/ Starfighter Ace 4; Init. +4 (Dex); Defense +18 (+14 class, +4 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 150/14; Atk. +19; SQ Familiarity +7 (X-Wing), ; SV Fort. +14, Reflex +15, Will +10; SZ M; FP 8; Rep 16; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 14, Cha 15, Int 12, Wis 12.
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, Flight Suit, Comlink, X-Wing
Skills: Pilot +30, Astrogate +15, Bluff +10, Climb +12, Computer Use +15, Demolitions +10, Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +10, Jump +12, Move Silently +16, Repair +12, Ride +23, Search +16, Spot +15, Sense Motive +12, Survival +18, Swim +10, Treat Injury +18, Tumble +8.
Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Proficiency (blaster rifle), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons), Weapon Proficiency (vibro weapons), Armor (light), Armor (medium), Armor (heavy), Skill Emphasis (pilot), Starship Dodge, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precision Shot, Starship Pilot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting , Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Rapid Shot, Multishot.