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The Caamasi are well known for being great negotiators. The Caamasi home world was wiped out in a secret plot by the Bothans. A few of the Caamasi escaped to Alderaan and were on planet when it was destroyed. All though many of the Caamasi have been killed a few still survive.

Caamasi Species Traits
* +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Caamasi have no special bonuses or penalties do to their size.
* Caamasi base speed is 10 meters.
* +4 species bonus to diplomacy checks.
* Whenever a Caamasi kills somebody he must make a will save of 20 + his level. If he fails the Caamasi suffers a permanent -2 bonus to attack rolls. The effects stack.
* Mnemi: The Caamasi may pass memories between other people in their family or to Jedi of a strong enough power. The person receiving these memories sees, hears, and smells, everything that the original Caamasi did.
*Automatic Languages: Basic