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Defels can serve as excellent spies because of their ability to become invisible in the dark. Defels often serve as trackers for the Imperial Army. The Defels are extremely vicious and don’t fit into society.

Defel Species Traits
* +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Defels are strong but neither intelligent nor friendly.
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Defels have no special bonuses or penalties do to their size.
* Defel base speed is 10 meters.
* +2 species bonus to survival checks. * Gain track as a bonus feat at first level.
* Wolfmen can make attacks with their natural weapons. Claws 1D4, Bite 1D6
* Defel gain a +8 bonus to hide and move silently checks in the dark
* Defel suffer a -2 penalty to attack, search, hide, move silently, and hide checks in the light
*Automatic Languages: Basic