Personality: Gands are tough but a little clumsy
Physical Description: Gands are human sized but they possess a tough exoskeleton.
Language: Gands speak Gand.
Example Names: Ooryl, Zuckus
Adventurers: The few Gands that leave their home world invariably end up serving in some military setting. Some become bounty hunters, mercenaries, and a few have even joined the Rebel Alliance.
Gand Species Traits
* +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity. Gands are tough because of their exoskeleton but it also makes them somewhat clumsy
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Gands have no special bonuses or penalties do to their size.
* Gand base speed is 10 meters.
* +2 bonus on fortitude saves.
* The Gands tough exoskeleton gives them a +2 natural bonus to defense.
* Gands are immune to all airborne poisons.
* Gands can re-grow lost limbs in two months.
*Automatic Languages: Gand and Basic.