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Noghri are strong nimble creatures. They come from the planet Honoghar that was destroyed in a battle between the Empire and the Rebellion. Darth Vader found them on their planet and blamed the destruction of their planet on the Rebels. The Noghri swore their loyalty to Darth Vader. That Loyalty extended to Luke and Leia once their father died. Leia has been working on a way to fix the planet of Honoghar.

Personality: The Noghri are hostile and quick to fight.
Description: The Noghri look like gray lizards that stand on two feet.
Language: Noghrian, Basic
Adventurers: Most of the Noghri that leave their planet join the Rebels or join Leia’s entourage of bodyguards.

* +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -4 Charisma, -2 Intelligence.
* Small-size
* Noghri base speed is 12m.
* Bonus Feats: Martial Artist, Track, and Ambidexterity.
* +4 species bonus on Search checks.
* +2 species bonus on Tumble checks.