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Customizing Equipment

More affluent characters are able to custom order all of their equipment so that it can meet their needs and is designed for use by them not just a average customer. This process is more expensive and the purchaser has to wait for the equipment to be made but it provides a better working unit. The benefits and costs are specific to each custom ordered type of equipment as outlined below. A note on the customized starships rules. I haven‘t seen the starships sourcebook so I haven‘t bought it yet so I‘m just guessing on what it does by what I‘ve seen of it.

Weapons are the least customizable of all equipment but they can still be changed. The weapon’s stock, trigger, and handle can be changed to provide the character with a better working unit for them. When a characters custom orders a weapon they must wait 2 weeks for the weapon to be made and it costs them an extra 20%. They gain a +1 bonus to attacks with that weapon and gain 2m to the weapons range increments.


Armor is a commonly customized piece of equipment. Customizing the armor provides a better fit for the customer and guarantees better protection for the wearer. Only full body armor is customized to the character. Some companies provide special options for their armor and helmets that they character can add for an additional price. The character may purchase several different degrees of customization. Light customization is based on the characters general build and provides slight enhancements. Heavy customization requires the character going in and being fitted by the armor company to make the armor and provides heavier enhancements. Not everybody may get heavy customized armor only friends of an owner or very famous people gain access to this privilege.
Light customization is a favored order of mid-ranking bounty hunters, they have the money just not the connections. Light customization increases the cost by 50% and requires 1 month of waiting for the armor to be made. Light customization increases the armors DR by 1, decreases the armor check penalty by 1, and decreases the penalty to speed by 1m.
Heavy customization is a favored purchase of well known bounty hunters and elite bodyguards. Heavy customization doubles the cost of the armor and the character must wait 2 months while it is constructed. Heavy customization increases the armors DR by 1, decreases the armor check penalty by 2, decreases the penalty to speed by 1m and increases the maximum dexterity bonus by 1. The character must have some sort of connection to an armor creating company to get this type of customization.

Custom Built

Some characters go all out when ordering their equipment and detail it from the ground up. This is most common in starship design but it is not unheard of in weapons and armor. Custom built equipment is very expensive as it requires research, development and there is no fixed pattern for the equipment. On the plus side the equipment fits the characters needs exactly and is not full of useless options. The rules for custom equipment is number heavy but hopefully a quick project to do. All custom equipment has different size types that determine the weapons basic components. The base provides a certain number of stat bars that are used to buy damage, range, critical and special abilities.

Custom Blasters

Custom blasters are all energy weapons and are from the group blaster pistol, blaster rifle, or heavy. Some may be exotic depending on how they function and on the GM’s discretion. Below is the chart for the base gun type. Exotic weapons are more expensive and have a larger number of stat points because they require a feat to be used fully. For the purposes of figuring costs and stat points the blaster rifle was used as the standard and all custom weapons are figured to be slightly better than the blaster rifle. All blasters have the starting critical hit of 20.
Group / Size / Cost / base range / Stat Points
Blaster Pistol / Small / 250 / 4 / 8
Blaster Pistol / Medium / 350 / 4 / 9
Blaster Rifle / Medium / 500 / 10 / 12
Blaster Rifle / Large / 750 / 14 / 15
Heavy / Large / 1000 / 30 / 17
Exotic / Small / 500 / 4 / 8
Exotic / Medium / 750 / 10 / 16
Exotic / Large / 1000 / 12 / 18
Damage dice: Each 1D6 costs 1 stat point and adds 50 to the cost, a D8 costs 2 stat points and adds 75 to the cost, a D10 costs 3 stat points and adds 100 to the cost, and a D12 costs 4 stat points and adds 125 to the cost.
Range Increment: Each range increment increase of 2.5m costs 1 stat point and increases the cost by 100 credits.
Critical Range: Each number increase of the critical range costs 2 stat points and increases the cost by 250 credits.
Special Abilities

Stun: To gain the stun ability costs 2 stat points. When stunning the weapon does 1/3 damage and has a fortitude DC of 12 + stat points used in determining damage.
Multifire: To gain the multifire ability costs 3 stat points and increases the cost of the weapon by 300 credits.
Autofire: To gain the autofire ability costs 4 stat points and increases the cost of the weapon by 500 credits.
Launcher: To add a launcher to the weapon costs 4 stat points and increases the cost of the rifle by 300 credits. The launcher can shoot a grenade with a range increment of half the weapons normal increment rounded down.
Sight: To add a sight to the weapon costs 2 stat points and increases the weapons cost by 200 credits. If the character uses a turn to make a spot check against the target they gain a +2 bonus to attack against that character in the next round.

Bossk is buying a new gun to help him deal with large groups of people at medium ranges. He wants a gun that is powerful, fast, mobile, and has decent range.
He chooses his base weapon to be Blaster Rifle Large. This costs 700 credts gives him a range of 30m off the bat and 15 stat points. Since he wants the gun to be fast he takes the autofire ability for his gun. That costs 4 stat points and 500 credits so the gun now costs 1200 credits and has 11 stat points left.
Bossk goes big time for damage and takes 3D10. The weapon now costs 1500 credits has a range of 30m, does 3D10 damage, has autofire and has 2 stat points left.
Bossk finally adds 5m to the weapons range. The weapon’s final cost is 1700 credits and it has the following stats: Damage: 3D10 Range: 35m, Crit: 20 and Autofire.

Custom Armor

Armor is an important piece of equipment for people going into blaster fights. It can deflect what would normally be a mortal blow and make it just a damaging hit. Armor can be modified to provide many benefits besides just protection and some armor like mandalorian armor even has built in weapons. Armor can be a defining characteristic of a character. Custom armor is listed similar to custom weapons.
Armor Type / Weight / Base Cost / Base DR / Speed / Stat Points
Light / 5 kg / 500 / 1 / -0 / 6
Medium / 10 kg / 1500 / 3/ -2 / 9
Heavy / 20 kg / 8000 / 4 / -4 / 12
Powered / 15 kg / 7000 / 3 / -2 / 12
Damage Reduction: Each increase of 1 in the DR costs 2 stat point and increases the cost by 250 credits.
Armor Check Penalty: The armor check penalty equals -1 for every 1 DR and decreases by -1/2 for every increase of 1 to the DR.
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: The armors max dex bonus equals 6 minus the DR. The armors max dex may be increased by 1 and costs 2 stat points and increases the cost by 100 credits.
Special Abilities

Sensor: Giving the equipment a sensor costs 2 stat points and increases the cost by 250 credits. A sensor can detect all life forms within 15m with a successful computer use check against a DC of 14.
Comlink: Giving the armor a comlink costs 1 stat point and increases the cost by 50 credits.
Rocket Pack: Giving the armor a rocket pack costs 3 stat points and increases the cost by 500 credits. The character can fly at a speed of 30m per round.
Grapple Launcher: Giving the armor a grapple launcher costs 1 stat point and increases the cost by 200 credits.
Built in Weapon: Giving the armor a built in weapon costs 2 stat points and increases the cost by 450 credits. The weapon is treated as a small blaster pistol. It does 2D6 damage, has a range of 5m, and a critical range of 20.
Built on Weapon: The character may have a weapon that they own built into the armor for 1 stat point. Building the weapon on increases the cost by 500 credits. The character may have a maximum of 2 single handed weapons. For an additional stat point and 250 credits a stabilizer can be added to allow double handed weapons. For an additional 2 stat points and 500 credits a weapon that can normally only be moved by more than one person may be suspended on the back of the armor and put on a swing lever that can pull the gun in front of the armor to allow the armor wearer to use it.
Power Armor Abilities

Powered armor has a power generator and can increase the wearer’s ability to a certain degree. This armor is more expensive but more useful than normal armor.
Ability Bonus: Power armor may provide a +2 bonus to either strength or dexterity. This bonus is only in effect when the armor is worn. This costs 2 stat points and 500 credits. The armor can only provide one ability bonus.
Shooting Bonus: Taking this ability costs 1 stat point and 200 credits. The bonus may be increased to +3 but each time increases it +1. This bonus is only in effect when the character is wearing the armor.
Speed Enhancement: This costs 2 stat points and 300 credits. This bonus raises the characters base speed by 3m and nullifies any speed penalties of the armor. This bonus is only in effect when the character is wearing the armor.
Dengar decides it is finally time to get some new armor and he orders some custom built armor. He decides on medium armor which costs 1500 credits, has a DR of 3 decreases speed by 2m and has 9 stat points. Dengar decides to increase the DR by 2. This makes the cost 2000 gives the armor a DR 5, Armor Check Penalty -4, -2m, +2 max dex, and 5 stat points.
Dengar decides that a sensor would be a nice thing for his armor. That increases the cost to 2250 but doesn’t change any other stat. He now has 3 stat points left.
Dengar also decides on getting a rocket pack to make travel and hunts easier and faster. This uses the last of his stat points and increases the cost to 2750. The armors final stats are as follows; DR 5, Armor Check Penalty -4, Speed -2m, +2 max dex bonus, sensor and rocket pack.

Custom Starships

Custom starships are the most expensive and most personalized thing that a person can buy for themselves in the Star Wars universe. The ship is highly tweaked for the purchaser to be able to use it to its most efficient manner. The characters customize its engine, maneuver jets. and weapons package. Starships have less restrictive base packages but much higher costs. Only the wealthiest people are able to purchase a customized starship. All starships start with a defense bonus of 10 for armor, and a maximum speed of cruising. Starship hyperdrives start at x2, transport and capital hyperdrives start at x3.
Starship type / Size / DR / Cost / Stat Points
Starfighter / Diminutive / 3 / 50,000 / 14
Starfighter / Tiny / 5 / 80,000 / 17
Transport / Small / 5 / 100,000 / 16
Transport / Medium / 5 / 150,000 / 20
Transport / Large / 7 / 175,000 / 25
Capital / Large / 10 / 700,000 / 30
Capital / Huge / 15 / 1,000,000 / 40

Hull Points: Every 20 hull points costs 1 stat point and increases the cost by 10,000.
Shield Points: Every 10 shield points cost 1 stat point and increases the cost by 5,000.
Maximum Speed: Increasing the maximum speed to Attack requires 1 stat point and increases the cost by 15,000. Increasing the maximum speed to Ramming requires 2 stat points and increases the cost by 25,000.
Hyperdrive: Decreasing the hyperspeed multiplier costs 1 stat point for every decrease of 1 and increases the cost by 20,000. The minimum is x1.
Cargo Capacity: All leftover stat points are applied to cargo capacity. Every 1 stat point left equals 1 ton of carrying capacity. A starfighter may not have left over points in cargo capacity.
Engine Quality: Increasing the engine quality by 1 costs 2 stat points and increases the cost by 5,000 credits.

Laser Cannon: Installing a laser cannon uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 2,500 credits. The laser cannon has the following stats; Fire arc: turret, Fire Control: +4, Damage: 4D10x2.
Dual Laser Cannons: Installing dual laser cannons uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 5,000 credits. The dual laser cannons have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +4, Damage: 5D10x2
Triple Blaster Cannons: Installing triple blaster cannons uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 2,500 credits. The triple blaster cannons have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +5, Damage: 3D10x2
Quad Laser Cannons: Installing quad laser cannons uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 7,500 credits. The quad laser cannons have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +4, Damage: 6D10x2
Proton Torpedo Launcher: Installing proton torpedo launchers uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 15,000 credits. The proton torpedo launchers have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +4, Damage: 9D10x2
Concussion Missile Launcher: Installing concussion missile launchers uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 12,500 credits. The concussion missile launchers have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +4, Damage 7D10x2
Light Ion Cannons: Installing light ion cannons uses 1 stat point and increases the cost by 7,500 credits. The light ion cannons have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +6, Damage: Special
Quad Laser Cannon: Installing a quad laser cannon requires 2 stat points and increases the cost by 5,000 credits. The quad laser cannon has the following stats: Fire arc; turret, Fire Control: +6, Damage: 6D10x2
Turbolaser: Installing a turbolaser requires 3 stat points and increases the cost by 7,500 credits. The turbolaser has the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +8, Damage: 5D10x5
Tractor Beam: Installing a tractor beam requires 3 stat points and increases the cost by 5,000 credits. The tractor beam has the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +5, Damage: Special
Double Turbolaser Cannon: Installing a double turbolaser cannon requires 2 stat points and increases the cost by 7,500 credits. The double turbolaser cannon has the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +6, Damage: 5D10x2
Capital Proton Torpedoes: Installing capital proton torpedoes requires 3 stat points and increases the cost by 15,000 credits. The capital proton torpedoes have the following stats; Fire arc: any one side, Fire Control: +4, Damage: 9D10x4