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Alternate Jedi Rules

(Alternate) Dissipate Energy
Prerequisite: Force-Sensitive, Control, Force Level 3+
Benefit: You can resist damage done by energy weapons including lightsabers. You must make a Fortitude Save with DC 10+damage inflicted. If you succeed you may immediately use another force attack and add the damage to your roll. Your character may use any skill or feat that is available to a character of his class plus the damage modifier.

Damage / Level Bonus / check bonus
1-5 / +2/ +4
6-10 / +4/ +6
11-17 / +6/ +8
18-25 / +7 +10
26+ / any/ +14
Also add 1D8 to damage for every 10 damage points the attack does.

Alternate Jedi creation strengths and weaknesses
In order for one of your characters to gain the force-sensitive feat make them come up with a history for their families Jedi abilities. In their history they can make a certain number of skills and feats strong in their family. To counter this they must also make a skill or feat of equal value weak in their family. It is up to the gamemaster to say if this is alright. All ‘strong’ abilities are granted a +2 to checks when required, and if applicable +2 to damage. All ‘weak’ abilities are given a -2 to checks when required, and if applicable a -2 to damage.
This is based off Corran Horn’s experience in “I, Jedi” where he found that his family was strong in Dissipate Energy and Affect Mind, but had little power in any Alter abilities.

Alternate rules for Force feats and skills
You may not want to use these rules because they can really charge up some Force Feats. I made these rules up mainly for the dissipate skill. If you don‘t get to add any ranks in this skill you aren‘t going to be able to suck up much damage using the feat.

All Force Skills are changed to feats but every two levels a character gains they get to choose one of the force feats. Once the character has the feat it gets treated like a skill where the character can gain ranks in the ability. Below are the related abilities for the force feats.
Force Lightning (Int) / Force Whirlwind (Int)
Throw Lightsaber (Dex) / Burst of Speed (Con)
Knight Speed (Con) / Master Speed (Con)
Dissipate Energy (Con) / Lightsaber Defense (Dex)
Knight Defense (Dex) / Master Defense (Dex)
Prolong Force (Con) / Force Mastery (Wis)
High Force Mastery (Wis) / Deflect Blasters (Int)
Force Mind (Wis) / Knight Mind (Wis)
Master Mind (Wis)

Force Sensitve Feat Changes

New Benefit: If you character does not have any levels in a force sensitve class he may take force skills and feats as a Force Adept of half his current level. All Force Skills are treated as cross class skills.

This rule is based off Zuckus. He is sensitive to the force and has premonitions but he never trained his Jedi abilities.