Qom Qae/Qom Jha: The Qom Qae and Qom Jha are flying, reptile creatures. The Qom Qae tend to nest on cliff sides while the Qom Jha tend to live in caves. Both are fast but weak and aren’t very common.
* +2 Dex, -4 Str. The Qom’s are fast and agile but very weak.
* Small. As small creatures, Qom gain a +1 size bonus to their Defense, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than human’s use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those Medium-size characters.
* Qom base speed is 6m, 20m when flying.
* The Qom may not use any weapons but they may use natural weapons. Two claws 1D6 and Beak 1D8.
* The Qom gain a +2 bonus to Survival and Hide checks because of the difficulty of their existence.
* The Qom communicate telepathically and can talk to any Force-User. If the Qom is a Force-User it may communicate to anybody.
Vratix: The Vratix are native to Thyffera and make bacta. The Vratix have extremely powerful hind legs that allow them to jump higher than humans and other species. The Vratix have a need to make bacta and willfully submit to the corporations that make bacta.
* +2 Con, -2 Cha. Vratix are tough but not very friendly.
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Vratix have no special abilities or penalties because of their size.
* Vratix base speed is 10m.
* Vratix gain a +4 bonus to jump because of their powerful legs. All maximum jump distances are doubled.
* Hive Mind. All Vratix that work together share what they know with other Vratix. If one Vratix is aware of an attack all are. When making a knowledge check any Vratix within 100 miles can help the other by making the knowledge check instead of the original.
* Automatic Language: Basic, Vratix
Togorian: Togorians are a feline spieces. They are incredibly fast and agile and are very dangerous. Little is known about the togorians as they mostly keep to their home planet. Usually only females leave the planet but occasionally a male will too.
* +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, Most togorians are strong but not too bright or friendly.
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Vratix have no special abilities or penalties because of their size.
* Togorian base speed is 12m.
* Togorians gain a +4 bonus to all survival checks, because they are natural hunters.
* A Togorian base unarmed attack does 1D6 damage because of their claws. If the Togorian takes Martial Artist its unarmed attack damage becomes 1D8.
* Automatic Language: Togorian
Devaronian: Devaronians are red skinned and have two horns on their heads. They look very dangerous although that is not always the case. They are very tough though because of the enviroment of their homeworld.
* +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Devaronians are tough but fearsome looking.
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Vratix have no special abilities or penalties because of their size.
* Devaronian base speed is 10m.
* Devaronians gain a +2 bonus to all fortitude saves because of their tough skin.
* Automatic Language: Devaronian
Gotal: Gotals are furry humanoids with two small horns on their head. The horns give the gotals extra sensory perceptions. Gotals are intelligent but tend to miss a lot of what goes on around them.
* +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Gotals are intelligent but not too observant.
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Vratix have no special abilities or penalties because of their size.
* Gotal base speed is 10m.
* Gotals gain a +4 bonus to Sense Motive because their horns give them a special sensing ability.
* Automatic Language: Gotal
Hutt: Hutts are long slimy creatures. They are considered to be criminals and have founded many strong criminal empires. Most Hutts prefer to stay out of the action themselves but a few have been caught in situations and fought back
* -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
* Large-size. As Large-size creatures Hutts suffer a -1 penalty to attack and defense rolls, they also suffer a -4 penalty to hide checks.
* Hutt base speed is 6m
* Hutts gain a +3 bonus to all Will saves.
* Hutts have a damage reduction rate of 5
* Automatic Languages: Huttese, Basic
The Vornskrs are carnivorous dogs who hunt by sensing the force. The Vornskrs are native to the planet Mykr. Vornskrs can be trained but the process is difficult and dangerous.
Vornskr Hunter 2: Init +3, Defense: 15 (+3 dex, +2 size), Spd: 15m, VP/WP: 20/11, Atk.: +6/+1 Melee (Claw 1D6+3 20), +4 Melee (Bite 1D8+3 19-20), SQ: Survival +10 for track against Force Sensitive characters or creatures, SV: Fort. +5 Refl. +9, Will +4, Sz: S
Rep: 1, Str 16, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 6, Cha 6
Challenge Code: C
Skills: Hide +5, Move Silently +7, Search +4, Listen +4, Survival +8
Feats: Track
The Ysallimari are native to Mykr and create a bubble of space in which the force cannot be used. This ability is an evolution used to protect them from the Vornskr. Ysallimari are incredibly slow.
Ysallimari Animal 1: Init: -2, Defense: 9 (-3 Dex, +2 size), Spd: 4m, VP/WP: -/8, Atk: - SQ: Creates a force bubble with radius of 20’. Force skills and feats cannot be used inside and may not affect anything inside the bubble, SV: Fort +1, Refl -1, Will +2, Str 6, Dex 5, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 6
Challenge Code: A
Skills: Survival +6, Hide +10
The Borrat is a large burrowing animal that lives on Coruscant. Nobody knows whether it is native or was transported there. The borrat uses its sharp claws to dig through walls and create networks of tunnels. The borrat is vicious and very dangerous.
Borrat Predator 4: Init +2, Defense: 13 (+2 dex, +1 size), Spd: 12m, VP/WP: 32/14, Atk.: +7/+2 Melee (Claw 1D8+3 20), +4 Melee (Bite 1D10+3 19-20), SV: Fort. +7 Refl. +8, Will +4, Sz: M
Rep: 3, Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 6, Cha 6
Challenge Code: C
Skills: Survival +5, Hide +4, Climb +6, Spot +5
The mynock is a flying rat that lives in space. The mynock attaches to spaceships and sucks the power out of them. Mynock can be found anywhere and are completely useless.
Mynock Pest 2: Init +2, Defense: 15 (+3 dex, +2 size), Spd: 30m, VP/WP: -/9, Atk.: +4 melee (attach see SQ) SQ: When the mynock makes a successful attach attack it is treated as an ion attack, each round the mynock is attached is considered another ion hit. SV: Fort. +5 Refl. +9, Will +4, Sz: S
Rep: 1, Str 10, Dex 17, Con 9, Int 7, Wis 6, Cha 6
Challenge Code: A
Skills: Survival +5