Tarn Nabico Soldier 8/Elite Trooper 4
Leader Soldier 4
Troop Soldier 2
Talon Karrde Scoundrel 5/Noble 4
Aves Scoundrel 3/Scout 3
Chin Fringer 5
Axillian Drell Scoundrel 4/Scout 3
Transport Pilot Scout 3
Liat Tsayv
Errant Venture
Defense: 18 Move: 10m VP/WP: 66/14 Init: +6
Attacks: Blaster Rifle +15/+10/+5 (3D8 19-20 40m), Unarmed +15/+10/+5 (1D6+2 20) Vibroblade +15/+10/+5 (2D6+2 20), Frag Grenade +14/+9/+4 (4D6/2D6 4m)
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Wis 13, Int 12, Cha 10
Fort: +12, Refl: +6, Will: +6
Skills: Climb +12, Demolitions +15, Intimidate +10, Hide +8, Jump +10, Move Silently +7, Treat Injury +6
Defense: 15 Move: 10m VP/WP: 26/12 Init: +2
Attacks: Blaster Rifle +7 (3D8 19-20 40m) Unarmed +5 (1D6+1 20), Frag Grenade +6 (4D6/2D6 4m)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Wis 13, Int 12, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +6, Demolitions, +6, Hide +5, Jump +4, Treat Injury +5
Feats: Soldier Feats, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle, Martial Artist
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 3 Frag Grenades, 2 Power Packs, Macrobinoculars
Defense: 14 Move: 10m VP/WP: 12/12 Init: +2
Attacks: Blaster Rifle +5 (3D8 19-20 40m) Unarmed +3 (1D6+1 20), Frag Grenade +4 (4D6/2D6 4m)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Wis 13, Int 12, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +4, Demolitions, +4, Hide +3, Jump +2, Treat Injury +3
Feats: Soldier Feats, Dodge, Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle, Martial Artist
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 1 Frag Grenades, 2 Power Packs, Macrobinoculars
Talon Karrde ran the largest smuggling organization before he retired. He is now a liaison between the Imperials and New Republic but is still fairly influential in his old organization. Karrde’s organization was primarily a smuggling outfit but after Grand Admiral Thrawn began cloning troops Karrde reformatted his group to be an intelligence gathering outfit. Karrde made a lot of money through a link Luke Skywalker set up for Karrde to get money out of in return for his information. Karrde rarely has a permanent base for his organization after Thrawn chased him off several planets.
To become a member of Karrde’s organization the character must meet the following requirements.
BAB +3
Skills: Gather Information 6 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, and must be trilingual
Feats: Dodge, Point Blank Shot,
Special: They must apply and Karrde must approve their joining.
Defense: 20 Move: 10m VP/WP: 45/14 Init: +2
Attacks: Blaster Rifle +8/+3 (3D8 19-20 40m)
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Wis 16, Int 17, Cha 18
Fort: +4, Refl: +7, Will: +9
Skills: Astrogate +6, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Gather Information +12, Knowledge (law) +10, Knowledge (business) +8, Knowledge (Streetwise) +13, Pilot +10, Survival +10
Feats: Noble Feats, Scoundrel Feats, Starship Operation: Space Transport, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Mobility, Rapid Shot
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2 power packs, Electrobinoculars, Datapad, Wild Karrde, Comlink
Languages: Basic, Trade Language, Rodian, Bothan, Ryl, Shyriiwook (understand only)
Defense: 19 Move: 10m VP/WP: 34/12 Init: +2
Attacks: +6/+1 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10m)
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14
Fort +4, Refl +7, Will +4
Skills: Astrogate +11, Gather Information +6, Bluff +5, Pilot +11, Knowledge (Streetwise) +9, Repair +6, Hide +5
Feats: Scoundrel Feats, Scout Feats, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Starship Operation: Transports, Starship Dodge: Transports, Spacer
Eqipment: Blaster Pistol, Comlink, Datapad, 3 power packs, Last Resort
Languages: Basic, Rodian, Shyriiwook (understand only)
Defense: 17 Move: 10m VP/WP: 23/11 Init: +2
Attacks: +5 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10m)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12
Fort +4, Refl +5, Will +2
Skills: Gather Information +5, Bluff +6, Hide +7, Handle Animal +12, Ride +10
Feats: Fringer Feats, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Skill Emphasis: Handle Animal
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, 2 power packs, Comlink, Datapad
Languages: Basic, Rodian, Huttese (understand only)
The Nova Star Pirates are a fairly large group of pirates that operate near the outer rim. They inhabit an asteroid belt around the planet Mendoza. The main base is inside an asteroid that has been hollowed out. they have small observation posts scattered throughout the asteroid field so they can observe any intruders. Some of the smaller asteroids have self destruct mechanisms so they can be used as weapons. The Nova Star Pirates are feared wherever they are known. The Pirates are led by Axillian Drell. The fleet consists of the Pirate’s Life, 4 Incom Light Defenders, and 24 Z-95’s.
To become a Nova Star Pirate the character must meet the following requirements.
BAB +3
Intimidation 4 ranks
Pilot 6 ranks
Knowledge (streetwise) 4 ranks
Feats: Starship Operation
Defense: 20 Move: 10m VP/WP: 65/14 Init: +2
Attacks: Blaster Pistol +9/+4 (3D6 20 10m), Vibroblade +9/+4 (2D6 20)
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Fort. +5 Refl +8 Will +4
Skills: Astrogate +5, Bluff +7, Gather Information +7, Knowledge (Streetwise) +11, Pilot +13, Survival +8, Intimidate +7
Feats: Scout Feats, Scoundrel Feats, Starship Operation: Transport, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol
Z-95 Pilot Soldier 3
Defense: 15 Move: 10m VP/WP: 24/11 Init: +2
Attacks: +5 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10m)
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
Fort: +4, Refl +3, Will +2
Skills: Astrogate +8, Pilot +11, Repair +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Streetwise) +6
Feats: Soldier Feats, Starship Operations: Starfighter, Starship Dodge: Starfighter, Weapon Focus: Triple Blasters, Weapon Focus: Concussion Missiles
Equipment: Flight Suit, Blaster Pistol, Power Pack, Z-95
Defense: 16 Move: 10m VP/WP: 19/11 Init: +2
Attacks: +5 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10m)
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
Fort: +4, Refl +3, Will +2
Skills: Astrogate +8, Pilot +11, Repair +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Streetwise) +6
Feats: Soldier Feats, Starship Operations: Transport, Starship Dodge: Transport, Spacer, Weapon Focus: Laser Cannon
Equipment: Flight Suit, Blaster Pistol, Power Pack, Incom Light Defender
Mirax Terrik-Horn
Mirax is married to Corran Horn, they have a daughter and a son. Mirax was a smuggler who worked for the Rebels before marrying Corran. She is now mostly an information broker but she still loves to fly the pulsar skate.
Mirax Terrik Scoundrel 6/Scout 2
Defense: 21 Move: 10m VP/WP: 50/12 Init: +2
Attacks: Blaster Rifle +7/+2 (3D8 19-20 40m)
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Wis 14, Int 15, Cha 16
Fort: +5, Refl: +9, Will: +6
Skills: Astrogate +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +10, Knowledge (business) +8, Knowledge (Corellia) +13, Knowledge (Streetwise) +13, Pilot +15, Survival +10
Feats: Scout Feats, Scoundrel Feats, Starship Operation: Space Transport, Spacer, Point Blank Shot, Starship Dodge, Heroic Surge, Rapid Shot
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2 power packs, Pulsar Skate, Comlink, Datapad
Languages: Basic, Trade Language, Rodian, Ryl
Liat is Mirax’s copilot and a Sullustan. Liat is a competent pilot and very at home in the cockpit. Liat is resourceful and always on task.
Liat Tsayv Scout 5
Defense: 18 Move: 10m VP/WP: 20/11 Init: +2
Attacks: Blaster Pistol +5 (3D6 20 10m)
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 11, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 12
Fort: +3, Refl: +6, Will: +5
Skills: Astrogate +10, Gather Information +10, Knowledge (business) +5, Pilot +10, Survival +8, Listen +6, Climb +6
Feats: Scout Feats, Scoundrel Feats, Starship Operation: Space Transport, Spacer, Starship Dodge
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, 2 power packs, Comlink, Datapad
Languages: Basic, Sullustese
Zuckuss is a decent bounty hunter who briefly allied himself with the rebellion. He and 4-Lom left the rebellion after they learned that they weren’t going to make any money that way. Zuckuss briefly partnered with Boba Fett and Bossk. He is currently partners with the droid bounty hunter 4-Lom. Zuckuss has a small ability with the force.
Zuckus Soldier 4/Force Adept 3/Bounty Hunter 2
Defense: 22 Move: 10m VP/WP 78/15 Init: +3
Attacks: +14/+9/+4 Blaster Rifle (3D8 20 40M), +13/+8/+3 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10M), +12/+7/+2 Vibroblade (2D6 20), +13/+8/+3 Frag Grenade (4D6/2D6 2M) +13/+8/+3 Stun Grenade (4M)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Wis 12, Int 13, Cha 12
Fort: +10 Refl: +9 Will: +7
Skills: Astrogate +7, Gather Information +6, Intimidate +10, Move Silently +5, Pilot +14, Demolitions +6, Escape Artist +4, Jump +4, Listen +4, Repair +6, Survival +7, Empathy +5, Farseeing +7, See Force +3, Telepathy +3
Feats: Soldier Feats, Force Adept Feats, Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle, Starship Operation: Transport, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Target Bonus +1, Sneak Attack +1D6
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, 3 Frag Grenades, 2 Stun Grenades, Security Kit, 5 power packs, 2 Binders, Mist Hunter
4-Lom was a former protocol droid who had his core programming changed so that he was no longer restricted from hurting living beings. 4-Lom applied his quick thinking and logic abilities to hunting down people for money. 4-Lom is a fearsome bounty hunter because he has no feelings.
4-Lom Diplomat 1/Soldier 4
Defense: 14 Move: 10m VP/WP 43/13 Init: +1
Attacks: +5 Blaster Rifle (3D8 20 40M)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Wis 15, Int 18, Cha 15
Fort: +5 Refl: +2 Will: +5
Skills: Appraise +5, Bluff +5, Computer Use +5, Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +5, Knowledge (all) +4, Search +5, Spot +6
Feats: Soldier Feats, Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy), Point Blank Shot, Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting
Equipment: Blaster Rifle (2), Security Kit, 3 power packs, 2 Binders
Dengar is a former swoop racer. He became a bounty hunter after he lost control of his swoop in a race against Han Solo. The crash wounded him grievously. Dengar flys his ship Punishing One. He is only a mildly successful bounty hunter.
Dengar Scout 4/Soldier 3
Defense: 18 Damage Reduction: 5 Move: 10m VP/WP 55/14 Init: +5
Attacks: +7/+2 Blaster Rifle (3D8 20 40M), +7/+2 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10M), +7/+2 Vibroblade (2D6 20), +7/+2 Frag Grenade (4D6/2D6 2M) +7/+2 Stun Grenade (4M)
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Wis 14, Int 13, Cha 10
Fort: +6 Refl: +4 Will: +4
Skills: Astrogate +7, Gather Information +6, Intimidate +9, Move Silently +9, Pilot +10, Demolitions +10, Escape Artist +4, Jump +4, Listen +4, Repair +10, Survival +7, Disable Device +10
Feats: Soldier Feats, Scout Feats, Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle, Starship Operation: Starfighter, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Starship Dodge: Starfighter, Improved Initiative
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, 3 Frag Grenades, 2 Stun Grenades, Armor, Security Kit, 5 power packs, 2 Binders, Punishing One
Bossk is a trandoshan bounty hunter and was going to take over control of the bounty hunter’s guild before Boba Fett helped break it up. Bossk has carried a grudge against Boba Fett for many years after being doubled crossed by him several times. Bossk is fairly stupid but very dangerous.
Bossk Soldier 6/Bounty Hunter 4
Defense: 17 Move: 10m VP/WP 83/16 Init: +5
Attacks: +12/+7/+2 Blaster Rifle (3D8 20 40M), +11/+6/+1 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10M), +13/+8/+3 Vibroblade (2D6+3 20), +11/+6/+1 Frag Grenade (4D6/2D6 2M) +11/+6/+1 Stun Grenade (4M)
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Wis 12, Int 10, Cha 10
Fort: +9 Refl: +5 Will: +5
Skills: Astrogate +7, Gather Information +6, Intimidate +13, Move Silently +6, Pilot +13, Demolitions +8, Escape Artist +4, Jump +4, Listen +4, Repair +6, Survival +7
Feats: Soldier Feats, Scout Feats, Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle, Starship Operation: Transport, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Initiative, Sneak Attack +2D6, Target Bonus +2
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, 3 Frag Grenades, 2 Stun Grenades, Security Kit, 5 power packs, 2 Binders, Hound’s Tooth
Some characters might want to make their own group of smugglers, pirates, or mercenaries. These groups can be beneficial to everybody involved but not everybody can form their own successful group just like that. Forming a group costs lots of money and requires complete dedication. If a character forms a group they will have less time to spend adventuring and traveling. Still if the character wants to form a group the following guidelines should help. Some of this will help the character and other parts will help the GM organize what happens. While much of this is important most of it can be taken care of out of game. The GM should remember that letting a character form this group will give him people he can call on when he gets in trouble and should plan adventures to take this into account.
Base: All groups need a base to stage from. If the base is very remote less people will be willing to work for you but you will have less problem with law enforcement officials. On the flip side having your base on a heavily populated world will guarantee you employees but you will have lots of law enforcement officials watching you. Many pirate bases and smuggler hide outs are based in asteroid fields. The asteroid fields protect them from scrutiny and routes can be mapped to allow save passage. Smaller asteroids can also be fitted with security features.
Name:While the name of your group may sound trivial it is an important part of your group. The name should describe the group and be original. Nobody is going to work for the mercenary group called the Fighting Nerfs. A really good name may attract people to join the group because of how strong it sounds and if it sounds like a good name.
Members: The most important part of a character’s group is of course the members. Acquiring members is a fairly difficult process. Of course if the character has made a name for him or herself they will have an easier time of this than others would. When establishing a group the character should have at least a small group of people that will work for him. Once the character has that group they should perform small missions and eventually they will become better known. Whenever the group does something noticeable a few people should try to apply to the group. The character is the final judge on whether or not somebody can join his group.
Pay: All of the members of a group are going to get paid. Nobody works for free so the character needs to remember that. The character can choose to pay a salary to the members or pay them for every operation they run. Smaller groups will probably prefer a commission for each run since they will take many runs. Larger groups will want a salary since they are going to get less runs. Here are guidelines for pay: Lvl 1-3 1000 bi-weekly, 400 a run; Lvl 4-6 1500 bi-weekly, 600 a run; Lvl 7-9 2000 bi-weekly, 800 a run; Lvl 10-12 2500 bi-weekly, 1000 a run.
Missions: The members of your group will not be willing to go on a run just because you tell them to. Some members will demand extra if the mission has more risk than normal. For example a smuggler would have no problem running a load of spice to a lightly patrolled area, but they aren’t going to be happy if they are sent to take the same load to Coruscant because of the heavy patrols and it’s the center of the Empire. On the opposite side none of your members are going to ask for less pay when they go on an easy mission, but they will probably be willing to take less if that’s the original offer. Remember that pay is based on the danger of the mission.
Forming a guild is much more difficult than making up a group. Members of a guild have to pay dues and they expect to get something for what they pay. Members of a guild will probably get some sort of special medical care, and discounts on equipment and in the case of smugglers on goods. The guild should be somewhat democratic and allow members to air their complaints. Guilds will generally be for smugglers and bounty hunters but it is conceivable that there would be a guild for mercenaries.
Base: A guild will definitely have a home base and will be much different than a groups base. Guilds are more accepted and will probably be in an easily accessible place. Members will want to have easy access and be able to get in and out without trouble.
Members: Members of a guild will generally be characters who are good at what they do but not great. They generally need help with costs because they can’t get the stuff themselves. Guilds allow members to find jobs and get cheaper equipment. At first a guild will start off slowly but eventually more and more people will here about it and come to join it. For this reason most guilds will want to be on a well known planet so the word gets around.
Dues: Most guilds will require that a member will pay a certain percentage off of every run or mission they get paid on. The average is about 10% but may be either higher or lower depending on what the guild offers. If the members only work sporadically the guild will probably require a certain amount a year which would be close to 1000 a year.
Services: The whole point of a guild is that the members get a special benefit from joining and paying the dues. The services depend on the guild type and will be explained later in this section.
Smuggler’s Guild: A smuggler’s guild will offer discounts on spices, bacta, and weapons that are needed in certain areas. The guild will always have a place for a few ships of the higher ranking members to land. Most guilds will also have a dock where ships can be repaired and modified. Guilds will usually only charge for the materials and have hired mechanics do the work. Many guilds will also have a special trading center where the smugglers can tell others what they have and try to sell or buy what they need.
Bounty Hunter’s Guild: A bounty hunter’s guild will have exclusive bounties that it gives to its members and help stop competition. Younger members will often be paired with an experienced bounty hunter to help them learn the trade. The better guilds have docking facilities for the bounty hunters to work on their ships. Many of the guilds will have weapons that the members may borrow or get cheaper than normal. Many also have a weapons maker in their employ that can modify weapons for the members.
Mercenary’s Guild: Mercenary’s guilds are rare because most mercenaries work in a group but a few like to work for no one. These guilds will offer training facilities and obstacle courses and weapon ranges for the members to keep their skills up. Many also have areas for practicing missions. Guilds will either form small teams among the members and keep them together or assign the groups randomly for each mission. Some guilds will provide the members with weapons and other equipment needed for the mission. The better guilds will have transports to drop off and pick up the teams.
The Errant Venture is Booster Terrik’s Imperial Mark II Star Destroyer. The ship has less weapons then a normal star destroyer but is still a formidable vessel. The Errant Venture functions as a moving den for smugglers and other fringe characters. Many people visit the Errant Venture. It has facilities for fixing and upgrading ships, areas for buying and selling goods, and of course rooms that passengers can rent. The ship travels wherever Booster feels like taking it. The following is a list of the costs for visiting the Errant Venture. Landing Berth - 1000 credits, Blue Level room - 1000 credits, Red Level room - 2000 credits, Gold Level room - 5000 credits. Booster’s friends are able to stay aboard the Diamond Level for free, but few are awarded this privilege. All sales aboard must pay Booster a 5% commission fee. While staying aboard the Errant Venture is expensive it is well kept up and many people can be found aboard the ship.
Booster Terrik
Booster is a well known smuggler and a respected man. He took care of Wedge Antilles when his parents were killed. He has a mechanical eye. Hal Horn captured him and sent him to Kessel for five years.
Booster Scoundrel 9
Defense: 20 Move: 10m VP/WP 56/15 Init: +5
Attacks: +8/+3 Blaster Rifle (3D8 20 40M), +8/+3 Blaster Pistol (3D6 20 10M)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Wis 14, Int 15, Cha 13
Fort: +5 Refl: +8 Will: +5
Skills: Astrogate +12, Gather Information +13, Intimidate +14, Move Silently +6, Pilot +19, Escape Artist +4, Jump +4, Listen +4, Repair +6, Survival +7, Knowledge (law) +6, Knowledge (streetwise) +12
Feats: Scoundrel feats, Starship Operation: Transport, Starship Operation: Capital, Starship Dodge: Transport, Spacer, Skill Emphasis: Pilot, Skill Emphasis: Gather Information, Improved Initiative
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Comlink, Datapad, Errant Venture
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards Imperial II Star Destroyer
Class: Capital
Cost: Not available for sale
Size: Colossal (1600 m long)
Crew: Minimum 5,545 Maximum 40000 (Normal +2)
Passengers: 5,000
Cargo Capacity: 45,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Hyperdrive: x1 (backup x10)
Maximum Speed: Attack (Alternate 7)
Defense: 19 (-6 size +15 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: -3
Shield Points: 350
Hull Points: 800
DR: 30
Weapon: Double Turbolaser Cannons (10)
Fire Arc: 4 front, 3 right, 3 left
Attack Bonus: +2 (-8 size +2 crew +8 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x5
Range Modifiers: PB -6, S -4, M -2, L +0
Weapon: Ion Cannons (10)
Fire Arc: 2 front, 3 right, 3 left, 2 aft
Attack Bonus: +2 (-8 size +2 crew +8 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range Modifiers: PB -6, S -4, M -2, L +0
Weapon: Tractor Beam Projectors (2)
Fire Arc: 1 left, 1 right
Attack Bonus: +2 (-8 size +2 crew +8 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range Modifiers: PB -6, S -4, M -2, L +0