Light Defender
The Incom Light Defender is designed for escort duty and protecting remote planets. The ship lacks enough weaponry to pose a threat to any military craft but it is able to deal with most smugglers and small pirate ships. Used mostly on smaller planets for leading visitors to where they are supposed to be.
Craft: Incom Light Defender
Class: Transport
Cost: 450,000 (new), 300,000 (used)
Size: Small (45 m long)
Crew: 2, 1 gunner(Skilled +4)
Passengers: 8
Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons
Consumables: 3 weeks
Hyperdrive: x1.5
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 9)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +3
Hull Points: 150
Shield Points: 50
DR: 10
Weapon: Laser Cannon (2)
Fire Arc: Turret
Attack Bonus: +9 (+1 size +4 crew +4 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Incom Scooper
The Incom Scooper was originally designed for mining operations. The scooper was able to come low to the ground and had a tractor beam that would pull or drop stuff directly into the hold. Many smugglers and pirates have modified this ship to fit their needs. Smugglers have generally boosted the ship’s speed and use the scooper to pull in over drop points, drop the merchandise, and get out of there before authorities can catch them. Pirates add armaments so the ship can defend itself before picking up drops in battle zones. The pirates on the raided ship fill a box with stolen goods and drop the box while the scooper picks it up.
Craft: Incom Mine Scooper
Class: Transport
Cost: 700,000 (new), 300,000 (used)
Size: Small (50 m long)
Crew: 6, 1 gunner(Skilled +4)
Passengers: 8
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: x2
Maximum Speed: Attack (Alternate 5)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +0
Hull Points: 300
Shield Points: 100
DR: 10
Weapon: Small Tractor Beam
Fire Arc: Turret
Attack Bonus: +7 (+1 size +4 crew +2 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Weapon: Asteroid Buster
Fire Arc: Turret
Attack Bonus: +5 (+1 size +4 crew +0 fire control)
Damage: 2D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Skipray Blastboat
The skipray is a faster maneuverable fighter/transport. It is small but can carry a decent amount of goods. It is commonly used by small smuggling operation. It is also a common choice for affluent teenagers who wish to travel the stars.
Craft: Skipray Blastboat
Class: Fighter
Cost: 300,000 (new), 150,000 (used)
Size: Small (25 m long)
Crew: 1 (Skilled +4)
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 5 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: x2
Maximum Speed: Attack (Alternate 7)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +4
Hull Points: 150
Shield Points: 75
DR: 5
Weapon: Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +7 (+1 size +4 crew +2 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Weapon: Concussion Missile
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +7 (+1 size +4 crew +2 fire control)
Damage: 7D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S/M/L n/a
Wild Karrde
The Wild Karrde is Talon Karrde’s personal ship. It is heavily modified to carry 6 Z-95 headhunters and has 6 turbolasers aboard. The ship’s base is a medium transport. The Wild Karrde has been Karrde’s ship for most of his career and has seen much action.
Craft: Modified Medium Transport
Class: Transport
Cost: not for sale
Size: Small (50 m long)
Crew: 6, 6 gunner(Skilled +4)
Passengers: 50
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: x1
Maximum Speed: Attack (Alternate 7)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +2
Hull Points: 250
Shield Points: 100
DR: 10
Weapon: Turbolaser (6)
Fire Arc: 2 front, 2 right, 2 left
Attack Bonus: +11 (+1 size +4 crew +6 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x5
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Last Resort
Karrde gave Aves the Last Resort when he retired. Aves is a skilled captain and his crew performs well under him. He is known for putting the ship through hard turns and quick moves that the ship wasn’t designed to make.
Craft: Modified Small Transport
Class: Transport
Cost: not for sale
Size: Small ( 45m long)
Crew: 6, 4 gunners (Skilled +4)
Passengers: 25
Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons
Consumables: 3 months
Hyperdrive: x1
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 10)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +4
Hull Points: 200
Shield Points: 75
DR: 10
Weapon: Turbolaser (4)
Fire Arc: 2 right, 2 left
Attack Bonus: +11 (+1 size +4 crew +6 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x5
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Pulsar Skate
The Pulsar Skate was originally owned by Booster Terrik but when he retired he gave it to his daughter Mirax. The ship is now crewed by Mirax and Liat Tsayv. The ship is almost as fast as the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace but decidedly better looking.
Craft: Modified Corellian Baudo Class Yacht
Class: Transport
Cost: not for sale
Size: Small (45 m long)
Crew: 2, 2 gunners(Unique)
Passengers: 8
Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons
Consumables: 3 weeks
Hyperdrive: x.6
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 10)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +4
Hull Points: 150
Shield Points: 75
DR: 10
Weapon: Quad Laser (2)
Fire Arc: Turret
Attack Bonus: +7 (+1 size +6 fire control)
Damage: 6D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Mist Hunter
The Mist Hunter is Zuckuss’s ship. Zuckuss has added heavier armor and weapons to the ship and has made it into a battle transport. The ship is capable of fighting off most starfighters and still has room for passengers or prisoners.
Craft: Modified Mini-Transport
Class: Transport
Cost: not for sale
Size: Small ( 21m long)
Crew: 2(Unique)
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 50 metric tons
Consumables: 3 weeks
Hyperdrive: x1
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 10)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +3
Hull Points: 200
Shield Points: 75
DR: 10
Weapon: Turbolaser (2)
Fire Arc: Turret
Attack Bonus: +7 (+1 size +6 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x5
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Weapon: Ion Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +3 (+1 size +2 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Punishing One
The Punishing One is a modified scout fighter. It is maneuverable and quick but still has room to haul 2 prisoners. Dengar has outfitted most of the ship’s weaponry and has made it a more powerful ship.
Craft: Modified Corellian Scout
Class: Starfighter
Cost: not for sale
Size: Tiny (19m long)
Crew: 1(Unique)
Passengers: 2
Cargo Capacity: 500 kg
Consumables: 1 week
Hyperdrive: x1.5
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 9)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +5
Hull Points: 100
Shield Points: 75
DR: 5
Weapon: Laser Cannon (3 fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size +4 fire control)
Damage: 5D10x2
Range: PB +0 S -2 M -4 L -6
Weapon: Ion Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: (+2 size +4 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range: PB +0 S -2 M -4 L -6
Hound’s Tooth
The Hound’s Tooth is Bossk’s ship. It is a heavily modified heavy transport. It has heavy firepower and is extremely tough. It is fast but has poor maneuverability. The Hound’s Tooth is well known and people know to stay away when they see it.
Craft: Modified Heavy Transport
Class: Transport
Cost: not for sale
Size: Small ( 67m long)
Crew: 1(Unique)
Passengers: 15
Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: x2
Maximum Speed: Attack (Alternate 6)
Defense: 20 (+0 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +1
Hull Points: 300
Shield Points: 75
DR: 10
Weapon: Turbolaser (6)
Fire Arc: 3 right, 3 left
Attack Bonus: +4 (+0 size +4 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x4
Range: PB +0 S +0 M -2 L -4
Weapon: Ion Cannon (2)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +4 (+0 size +4 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range: PB +0 S +0 M -2 L -4
Weapon: Tractor Beam
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +4 (+0 size +4 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range: PB +0 S +0 M -2 L -4
Pirate’s Life
The Pirate’s Life is Axellian Drell’s flagship. It is heavily armored and armed. The ship is capable of taking out ships much larger than it is. The ship has many special features that make it an extremely capable ship. It can also carry 8 starfighters.
Craft: Modified Medium Transport
Class: Transport
Cost: not for sale
Size: Small ( 55m long)
Crew: 10, 11 gunners(Skilled +4)
Passengers: 50
Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: x2
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 8)
Defense: 21 (+1 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +2
Hull Points: 250
Shield Points: 100
DR: 10
Weapon: Turbolaser (6)
Fire Arc: 3 right, 3 left
Attack Bonus: +9 (+1 size, +4 crew, +4 fire control)
Damage: 4D10x4
Range: PB +0 S +0 M -2 L -4
Weapon: Ion Cannon (4)
Fire Arc: 2 front, 1 left, 1 right
Attack Bonus: +9 (+1 size, +4 crew, +4 fire control)
Damage: Special
Range: PB +0 S +0 M -2 L -4
Weapon: Tractor Beam
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +9 (+1 size +4 fire control, +4 crew)
Damage: Special
Range: PB +0 S +0 M -2 L -4