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Shockball is a violent game similar to handball. The players all have protective pads that cover their shoulders, groin, and knees. They also have a helmet. The ball is light and round and when it hits a players pads the player recieves a small shock. The game is played in a circular arena that is 25m wide. Each team has a goal that they defend on the opposing sides of the arena. The goal is to get as many balls into the goal as possible in the 2, 10 minute halves.

Teams: Each team has 2 goalies and 5 shooters. The goalies protect their assigned goal. The shooters are able to move all around the arena but generally there is 1 defender for each goal and 3 aggressors but not always. Each team has 10 members on the bench. They get 2 time outs each half and may substitute players during the time outs and the break between the halves.

Skills: The game of shockball requires the player be adept at many different ways of playing the game. Every character specializes in a certain area and few are skilled enough to excell at everything. Below are the skills needed to play shockball. More information on the skills and how they work is later on in this page.

Shooting (Dexterity): Shooting is a ranking of how accurate your character is when attempting to score a goal. This is most important for the three forwards but the defensive players may attempt long shots.

Defense (Constitution): Defense is how good your character is at stopping forwards to advance on the goal and get a clear shot.

Passing (Dexterity): Passing is a ranking of how well your character can get the ball to his teammates who are in a better spot for shooting or who are open enough to make a move. This is important for every player.

Intercepting (Dexterity): Intercepting is an important defensive skill. This is how well your character can steal passes and snag shots that are moving past him.

Tackling (Strength): Tackling is how physical your character can get and how easily he can take other people down. A skill needed for defenders to prevent break aways.

Juking (Dexterity): Needed to avoid oncoming tacklers an important skill for forwards going on the attack so they can bust past the defense to get a shot.

Starting the Game: To start the game each team has a jumper and the ball is hovering in the air about 10 feet in the air. The two jumpers make jump checks and whoever gets the highest result gets the ball to start with.

The Shockerball: Whenever a character is hit by the shockerball they are stunned for 1D6-2 rounds.

Hitting a player: To hit a player with the shockerball the person must have control of the ball and then make a shockball: shooting check against the targets defense +2 since you have to hit the padded area to deliver the shock.

Scoring a goal: To score a goal the shooter and the defender make opposed shockball: shooting and shockball: defense skill checks. The defender adds 2 to his score for every 4m the shooter is away from the goal. If the shooter wins he scores a goal if the defender succeeds he blocks the shot and now has the ball. After a goal the goalie that got the ball

Passing the Ball: Players have special gloves that have a small tractor beam on them that act as a larger glove to catch the ball when it moves into the range of the glove. To pass the ball between players they must make a shockball: passing check against a DC of 15 +1 for every 2m between the two players. If any of the opposing players are in between the two players they may attempt to intercept the ball.

Intercepting the ball: To intercept the ball the player must be either between the players passing the ball or between the shooter and the goal. To intercept the ball the character must make a shockball: interception check against DC 25 or the passer or shooter’s result whichever is higher. If the player intercepts than they have control of the ball.

Faking/Juking: When the player is about to shoot or pass and there is an opposing player between them the character may attempt a fake. He makes a shockball: juking check against the opposing players sense motive check. If the faker wins, the defender can’t attempt to intercept the ball or if he is shooting he gains a +2 bonus to his check. If a character is carrying the ball they may make a juke to avoid a tackle from an opponent. The juke is made the same way as a fake but if he succeeds the juke he can’t be tackled by that player.

Tackling: To tackle a player with the ball the tackler makes a shockball: tackle check against the target’s shockball: juking check. If the tackler succeeds he stuns the target for 1D6 rounds and gets control of the ball. If the tackler fails the target gets past and keeps moving.