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Prince Galt the Keeper of the Sword

Name: Galt
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Appearance: Galt is sizable and burly, with pale skin, steeled blue eyes and short, wavy
black hair.
Level: 20
Been Knight Since: I started playing in December of 2000
Marital Status: Single
Notable Achievements: Soloing a legends ear bag of 50+k credits, 100 longsword skill
Alts: Currently frozen while I'm locked in a room and forced to code, but once upon a time.... Roark, Taggart, Danconia, Toohey, Ellsworth, etc.

In Real Life, Galt is . . .

Name: Ben
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Marital: Married with two great kids and a third on the way.
Location: Ohio, USA
Job: Work at a local university (aspiring politician *mgrin*)
Played AA Since: December 2000
Things to do outside of AA: Play with my kids, politics, and baseball.
Quote: "So you think that money is the root of all evil?  Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?"
- Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand