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StormSong - Singer of Storms

Name: Princess StormSong the Grand Knight and Defender of the Heart
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Class: Fighter
Appearance: StormSong is short and well-built with light brown skin.  Deep emerald eyes stare out of a strong determined face, framed by shoulder length, wavy light brown hair.  On one of her fingers you can see a faded mark where a wedding ring once was.
Level: 19
Been Knight Since: November '97
Marital Status: Single
Notable Achievements: StormSong earned a place in history for an incredible trophy collection.  Type legends at Albert for more information. *hop*
Alts: FLeA...and some multiple of 10 :)

In Real Life, StormSong is . . .

Name: Jean
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Marital: Single
Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Job: Final year IT student
Played AA Since: November '97
Things to do outside of AA: Swimming! Taking long walks along the beach, reading fantasy and science fiction, watching movies, designing web pages and going out with my friends.
Quotes: "Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk." 
Doug Larson

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.  Walk beside me, and just be my friend."  - Albert Camus