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undefined {Magick School}

I, Tiger Knight, as Dominia for
the Druswids, must tell you what
is expected for entrance and completion
of this training. I shall be your mentor.
It is my responsibility to make sure you are
properly trained and prepared for your future
in this profession. I will not let you
leave here without having done my best to see
that you are ready. You have my word as a fellow

Here in this class you will learn the
secrets of Majick,
and the ways of healing. You will also
learn the requirements of earning the right to
the title Druswid
(which means Druid or Druidess).
This is not an easy path and only those with the
determination and the eagerness to succeed
will complete the needed training.
**Be forewarned--You MUST at least complete Fifth Level training!**

Here you shall be instructed by myself or
Dark-Wiccan, Head Mage, and my brother.
We both shall serve as your mentors and teachers
in the arts of magick.
We will push you to your limits, but we will never
brow beat or make you feel less than you are.
Magick is not for everyone, but most everyone has
the inate ability to perform the basics of majick:
(Such as conjuring or levitating.)

Once you have completed your training
and pass the final test, then will you earn
the title of Druswid. At this level you have
obtained the most important rudiments of
spell casting, healing and most majicks.
You will have, by this, been exposed to
combat training as well as self-defense.
Druswids are not know to be killing
machines, but have the ability to become
proficiant fighters. You will know how
to handle at least one magical weapon with some
degree of compentence and skill before
being allowed to leave your training.
Few have the finite abilities to obtain any level
higher than Druswid.


Novice------------Learning Rank
Second Degree-----Apprentice
Third Degree------Questor
Fourth Degree-----Healer
Fifth Degree------Druswid
Sixth Degree------Priest/Priestess
Seventh -----Sorcerer/Sorceress
Eighth Degree-----Master Druswid
Ninth Degree------Mentor
Tenth Degree---High Priest/Priestess

Druswids are known for there Intelligence,
Quickness, Empathy, Healing abilities,
and Ability to make use of their availible resources.

Druswids are compentent magicians, with a
great knowledge of many various majicks.
If you are so inclined to try, you may stay
on beyond Fifth Level Training and learn
even more skills that will prepare you for
most any situation that life may throw at you.

In the higher levels of training,
you will be exposed to the Drow and to
the old ways of the advanced elemental majicks.
Here you will learn more advanced Healing
techniques. You will learn of the more specific
anatomies and requirements related to various
species and races involved in their specific
healing needs.

You are invited to try this profession,
if you believe that you are pure of heart
and strong of mind...And together, we
shall open doors to worlds previously
Unknown to you...

"May your Journeys bring you Wisdom and Courage" ...


If you have any questions or would like more
information, please email me.