First let's lay down some rules of posting. You must register for the group at the message board site (info on the first message there on how to do that). Always reply to the 'It starts' message or to one of the ones preceeding that. Put your character's name in the names slot and your email if you feel like it, but it's not necessary. If you fudge up your post but don't realize until later, I can edit it for you so just let me know. If you don't have alot for your char to do, you can make a joint post with another char who's at the same spot as yours as is already demonstrated. ^_^ Please don't do anything incredibly drastic without consulting staffers first to make sure it fits in the rp. (We actually do have a few things lined up for y'all, believe it or not!) Ooc posts are replies to the 'welcome' message.
And now the other stuff
Above all, please please PLEASE stay true to the character you have. I keep all apps on file if you need a reference. As an example, once I was playing a game and this really big, tough guy challenged by character. I really didn't want to fight him because I knew I'd probably get my ass royally kicked, but my char has a raging temper and wouldn't have backed down, so I had to go on and fight him. Put yourself into your char's place and mind set and think of what you would do if you were him or her.
I'd prefer if no one were killed throughout rp, but if it has to happen, both the player of the killer and of the char being killed must agree on the death and run it by me before hand.
You MUST fill out an application and have it approved by the staff before rp'ing.
If you already have an existing character, but would like a second, fill out another app for the new char. Make sure to put on there the name(s) of the chars you already have so I know who you are. Also, Masters and nobility or head positions etc are only given after you have one other char in use (or if I really really like your app!).
Please remember that all ooc posts should be as replies to the very first 'Welcome' message. This helps seperate mystical Baheine from the boring reality. ^_^
If you want to create a new kingdom, mail me. You will need to pick a location on the Baheine map, name the kingdom, sketch a pic or at least write a desc for me to sketch for you, and create a history all of which needs to be approved by the staff. This as well can only be done after you have another char and have proved that you can control a kingdom.